
Friday, March 18, 2005

Horrors!!!! Dr. Transit was Wrong about the first meeting for the Adams-Morgan transportation study

(A lesson that you can't believe everything you read, even on the web, even from credible sources, like DDOT or Dr. Transit.... :^) ]. Thank you to Corinna Moebius, outreach coordinator for the project.

Attend Public Mtg #1 of the 18th St./Adams Morgan Transportation & Parking Study: Tues., Mar. 29th 6-8 pm

Traffic delays and congestion, lack of parking, drivers ignoring crosswalks -- these are among the hot topics in Adams Morgan. Do you have suggestions for improving Adams Morgan's streets, streetscapes and parking/traffic problems? What other transportation, urban design and parking issues need attention?

The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) invites you to share your thoughts at the first public meeting for a transportation and parking study of Adams Morgan and a portion of Woodley Park (Conn. Ave. @ Hawthorne St. & Cathedral Ave.). The study is a direct response to citizen concerns about traffic speed and congestion, lack of parking, and the need for improved mass transit and improved pedestrian and bicycle access and safety.

The first meeting is Monday, March 29th, from 6 to 8 pm (more info below). At this first meeting you will learn about the study and its goals and scope. Then share your thoughts on what you think are the key transportation challenges in the area, and what you would propose as solutions. Please spread the word to your neighbors and forward this announcement to local listservs. We hope you can make the meeting.

18th St./Adams Morgan Transportation & Parking Study
Public Meeting #1Date: Tuesday, March 29th
Time: 6 - 8 pm
Location: The Patricia M. Sitar Center for the Arts
1700 Kalorama St. NW

Overview: The study will examine current and future transportation conditions in the study area to determine which short- and long-term improvements would:
* reduce traffic congestion, especially during peak hours;
* improve traffic and pedestrian safety;
* improve the connections between residents, workers, shoppers & restaurant patrons, and mass transit;
* protect surrounding residential streets from traffic impacts; and
* best accommodate "streetscape" aesthetics for both 18th Street and Columbia Road.

Visit for more information or to post comments, and again -- please encourage local residents, business owners and other stakeholders to attend this important event.

Thank you.

Corinna Moebius, Outreach Coordinator
18th St./Adams Morgan Transportation & Parking Study

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