
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Chuck Wolfe,, Seattle

I came across this resource today, because Mr. Wolfe also posts a column to the Seattle Post- Intelligencer website (sadly, the print newspaper is no longer published). Today's column is very good, on waterfronts, "Waterside venues ... who gets, who pays." He writes about the place qualities exhibited in high quality environments:

1. Walking places.
2. Biking places, with enabled separation from other transportation modes.
2. Places of congregation, recreation and observation.
3. Intermingling of water-dependent trades.
4; Food along the way.
5. Natural settings blended with the urban fabric.

and discusses the financial barriers to making it happen.

In the photos he uses, he often enhances them through "painting" and pixellation, which is interesting.

He also blogs in a number of places, including Myurbanist, and the posts are quite interesting.

He came up with an interesting term: urbandwidth.

And among other activities, co-wrote a report about barriers to light rail--especially about opposition, Urban Centers and Transit-Oriented Development in Washington. (Also see "the streetscape of light rail opposition.")
Image of the light rail in Nice, France
Image of the light rail in Nice, France. Chuck Wolfe, Myurbanist.

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