
Friday, December 03, 2010

People's hearing on the DC Budget, Tuesday December 9th

From Empower DC:

Community and Labor Organizations Call for Restoration of Safety Net Cuts

Organized labor reps, progressive tax advocates, safety net users and providers, and small business owners will be holding a People’s Hearing just hours before the DC City Council votes on Mayor Fenty’s proposed budget gap closing measures. The proposal contains $43M in cuts to social service programs including child care subsidies, affordable housing programs, and disability assistance, and lacks promised support for small businesses. Projections for the impact of the proposed cuts to these vital programs are dire, especially in a recession. The coalition of organizations testifying will call upon the Council to save these programs with a modest 1% increase in tax on income over $200,000/year and smart policies that allow locally owned small businesses to thrive and DC residents to obtain quality living wage jobs. After hearing from the coalition’s spokespeople, the Council will vote on whether to support the priorities of the working and low-income families they represent or to proceed with the Mayor’s proposed cuts.

WHO: Labor and community organizations, small business leaders, child care providers, staff, and children, safety net users, and progressive tax advocates.

WHAT: A People’s Hearing to urge the DC City Council to save vital social service programs with a modest tax on income over $200,000/year.

WHEN: 9:00 AM, Tuesday, December 7, 2010

WHERE: John A. Wilson Building , 1350 Pennsylvania Ave., NW

My one comment would be to the groups sponsoring this hearing, who are often the same people complaining about new real estate projects and multiunit residential buildings attracting singles and households without children... aren't these some of the same people with those $200,000 incomes that you want to be taxed?

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