
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Breakdown of home sizes, new construction

From a survey by the National Association of Home Builders, as reported in Home Channel News:

- less than 1,600 sq. feet = 2% of the market (in 2007, 1%)
- 1,600 to 1,999 sq. feet = 13% of the market (in 2007, 4%)
- 2,000 to 2,399 sq. feet = 63% of the market (in 2007, 46%)
- 2,400 to 2,999 sq. feet = 22% of the market (in 2007, 41%)
- 3,000 to 4,999 sq. feet = 1% of the market (in 2007, 7%)

house size shrinking again image
Image source unknown.

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