
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Pedestrian rage

From "Get Out of My Way, You Jerk! Researchers Study 'Sidewalk Rage,' Seeking Insights on Anger's Origins and Coping" in the Wall Street Journal:

Pedestrian Aggressiveness Syndrome

A University of Hawaii researcher says it manifests itself in these traits

  • Having denigrating thoughts about other pedestrians
  • Walking by a slower moving pedestrian andcutting back too soon (feels hostile or rude)
  • Feeling competitive with other pedestrians
  • Acting in a hostile manner (staring, presenting a mean face, moving faster or closer than expected)
  • Feeling stress and impatience when walking in a crowded area (crosswalk, staircase, mall, store, airport, street, beach, park, etc.)
  • Walking much faster than the rest of the people
  • Not yielding when it's the polite thing to do
  • Walking on the left of a crowded passageway where most pedestrians walk on the right
  • Muttering at other pedestrians
  • Bumping into others
  • Not apologizing when expected (after bumping by accident or coming very close in attempting to pass)
  • Making insulting gestures
  • Hogging or blocking the passageway, acting uncaring or unaware
  • Expressing pedestrian rage against a driver(like insulting or throwing something)
  • Feeling enraged at other pedestrians and enjoying thoughts of violence

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