
Friday, February 25, 2011

"Planning DC's Future" -- Harriet Tregoning, DC Planning Director, on WAMU Radio

The show, from yesterday, is online here:

Harriet Tregoning: Planning DC's Future

She is a great speaker and great at dealing with questions. People brought up some interesting points, e.g., middling design at subway stations, such as at Fort Totten and Rhode Island Avenue; local retail vs. chain retail; parking; one person called wanting more streetcars and other mobility technologies, using San Francisco as a model; and more specific questions about Walmart's entry into the city, McMillan Reservoir; the city and adding population; the role of the car and parking; and more.

I would argue there are some issues of form vs. substance, and not enough discussion about the gaps in our planning and zoning processes and how to best correct those gaps, but all in all it was interesting.

There is also video for the show online here:

Harriet Tregoning: Planning DC's Future -- video clips

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