
Monday, March 28, 2011

Comic book format for planning reports

Awhile back, Mike Licht sent me info about this project, "Public Space, Information, Accessibility, Technology and Diversity at Oslo University College," where they produced the final report in comic book format. The project is discussed in this blog entry, "The Anthropological Comic Book - an alternative way of reaching the audience from the blog
I have never read the full book, Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art by Scott McCloud, but this book is considered pathbreaking in terms of webdesign and hyperlinking. It was all the rage in the mid-1990s...

This report takes that idea to a new level, although the Center for Urban Pedagogy has done some similar kinds of design-policy projects, such as with street vending or the cultural studies book series that explains topics through comics, the "For Beginners" books.

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