
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

NACTO bikeway design guide

From email:

The National Association of City Transportation Officials has just posted an online PDF version of the Urban Bikeway Design Guide. We decided to release this PDF in response to comments we received during our outreach efforts following the online guide's initial release in March 2011. A print book of the guide will be available on our website for purchase in late summer/early fall.

This PDF reflects all of the information that is already available on our website but allows people to engage with these materials in a different manner. It may be downloaded in low or medium resolution and also includes a separate file which compiles the Guide's annotated plans.

As excited as we are to release this PDF, it is important to reiterate that the NACTO Cities for Cycling website will be the ultimate source of updates, revisions, and more detailed information. Please refer to the website for these updates and send us constructive comments.

This guidebook is important because the best practice treatments for biking-bikeways tend to not yet be accepted practice in terms of the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, the standard tome covering transportation engineering.

The NACTO guide codifies best practice, making it simpler for communities to implement "innovative" practices through a process involving the state department of transportation.

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