
Monday, July 31, 2017

Dirty streets

For more than a year I've been thinking about the need for regular "spot cleaning" of various locations that are outside of commercial districts where the city supports "regular" maintenance and cleaning of streets.

DC has a "Great Streets" program that funds capital improvements for businesses, but there are many basics that need to be addressed. It amazes me that most businesses don't invest in cleaning and maintaining the sidewalks and planting strips outside their businesses.

But it's not just commercial areas that need extra attention, although they tend to need it most.

Bottles and cans stuck in sewer intake, Peabody Street NE at New Hampshire Avenue
Bottles and cans stuck in sewer intake, Peabody Street NE at New Hampshire Avenue

Dirty gutter pan by a bus stop adjacent to Hechinger Mall on Maryland Avenue NE
Dirty gutter pan by a bus stop adjacent to Hechinger Mall on Maryland Avenue NE

unmaintained treebox in front of Timber Pizza Company, 800 block of Upshur Street NW
unmaintained treebox in front of Timber Pizza Company, 800 block of Upshur Street NW

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