
Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Special event bicycle parking and the Chicago Cubs

Twitter photo by Jim_barista.

I mention from time to time that the Chicago Cubs baseball team appears to be one of the only sports teams required to do transportation demand management planning as part of their zoning and occupancy permit requirements with the city.

-- "Framework of characteristics that support successful community development in association with the development of professional sports facilities" (section on transportation)

And I have written about secure bike parking organized at the metropolitan scale ("Another mention of the idea of creating a network of metropolitan scale secure bicycle parking facilities"), special event bike parking and bike share.  

Often, bike share operations will set up special valet parking and corrals to hold the bikes (Cabi DC).

That being said, even though the Cubs don't control Divvy, the bike share program in Chicago, they may want to work with them to offer valet parking/corrals to better handle game day needs ("Behold this Divvy bike mountain near Wrigley Field after a full-capacity Cubs game," Chicago Sun-Times).

(Also as an element of creating "bicycle friendly business districts.")


And crime, in Chicago "Divvy bike gangs" have car jacked people and stolen bicycles.  I haven't looked into this more deeply.  I wonder if the GPS can help identify the miscreants (provided they aren't using the bikes illegally, so would be unidentifiable).


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