
Sunday, January 01, 2023

Wake County North Carolina offers an EMS subscription for "free" ambulance rides | Why not just collect such money as a tax and provide free ambulance rides


Some communities have area-wide ambulance/EMS services, funded by taxes.  Although most of the systems will still bill insurance for costs.

The average cost of an ambulance ride is $400 to $1,000.  

Wake County, North Carolina where Raleigh is, offers a subscription to cover the costs that insurance won't cover, $60 per year.

Although one family, living in Wake County but on the border with Johnson County, got a big bill, because "no Wake County ambulances were available" ("Raleigh couple says Wake County ambulance subscription program failed them," WRAL-TV).  And they were served by a Johnson County ambulance, and the subscription program didn't cover the extra cost.

Why not just raise every household's taxes by $60 /year and pay for the service that way?


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