Bicycle Services @ Union Station -- A Planning Meeting Tonight

From Jim Sebastian, Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Manager, Transportation Policy and Planning Administration, DDOT--
The District Department of Transportation will host a public meeting on Wednesday evening, July 20 to discuss the proposed Union Station Bike Station. The Bike Station is a public/private venture that will provide bicycle parking, rentals, repairs and accessories in a small, new pavilion at the west end of Union Station (near the current bicycle parking). At the meeting, DDOT staff and consultants will describe the project and take questions and comments.
The meeting will be held at the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, 777 North Capitol Street, NE (at G Place) in the first floor Training Room from 6:00pm to 8:00pm.
For more information, contact Jim Sebastian or call 202 671 2331.
DDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Programs webpage
Washngton Area Bicyclist Association
Metropolitan Branch Trail website
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