BRAC, Rattle, and Sprawl
From the Coalition for Smart Growth:
Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) public hearing schedule listed in last week's alert has been updated.
Regional Hearing - Washington, D.C. and Pennsylvania
Thursday, July 7, 8:30 AM
Location: Canon Caucus Room345
Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC
Regional Hearing - Virginia
Thursday, July 7, 1:30 PM
Location: Sheraton National Hotel
Commonwealth Ballroom
900 South Orme Street, Arlington, Virginia
Baltimore, Maryland
Friday, July 8, 8:30 AM
Location: Kraushaar Auditorium, Goucher College
1021 Dulaney Valley Road, Baltimore, Maryland
For more information, visit our website or
This is of particular interest to "Smart and Compact Development" folk because the proposals for the Washington region pretty much involve the closure of facilities that are transit-accessible, particularly in Arlington County Virginia, in favor of farther-out facilities that current lack subway access.
In DC, one of the proposals is to close the Walter Reed Medical Center in favor of relocating in part to the Bethesda Naval Hospital Center, and in new facilities to be constructed at Ft. Belvoir in Virginia.

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