Historic Preservation -- Comp Plan Revision Task Force Meeting Tomorrow
From Nancy Metzger:
The Task Force for the DC Comprehensive Plan Revision will be meeting on Tuesday, August 2 from 6:30 - 9 pm at the Training Center, Metropolitan Council of Governments, 777 North Capitol Street, NE (corner of G Place and North Capitol Street).
At this meeting there will be an overview of both urban design and historic preservation issues as they relate to the Comprehensive Plan. Donovan Rypkema will be speaking about the historic preservation aspects. This is a meeting of the Comprehensive Plan Task Force that is open to thepublic; however, the public will not be permitted to speak at this meeting. (It looks like a full agenda, even without public comments.) However, written comments to the Office of Planning and the Task Force afterwards would be appropriate. So if you're able to stop in after work (it's basically one block west of the Union Station Metro station), it would be a good opportunity to hear the Task Force discuss these aspects and to demonstrate that historic preservation and urban design are important issues to the city's neighborhoods.
6:00 PM Sign-in/Refreshments (Jill Diskan, OP)
6:30 PM Welcome (Wayne Dickson)
6:35 PM Review of Meeting 9-Review of Meeting 10 Agenda (Don Edwards, JSA)
6:40 PM Overview of Urban Design Framework from the Existing Comp Plan (Barry Miller, OP)
6:45 PM Urban Design in DC (Toni Griffin, AWC)
7:00 PM Task Force Discussion on Urban Design (Don Edwards)
7:35 PM Overview of the HP Framework from the Existing Comp Plan (B. Miller)
7:40 PM Historic Preservation in DC (Donovan Rypkema)
7:55 PM Task Force Discussion on Historic Preservation (Don Edwards)
8:30 PM Review and Discussion of Area Element Geography (Barry Miller)
8:45 PM Overview of Comp Plan Week #2 in September (Jane Dembner, HNTB)
8:55 PM Next Steps (Wayne Dickson)
9:00 PM Adjournment (Don Edwards)
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