What happened to the "Mall" for South Capitol?

Douglas Willinger writes in themail (slightly edited):
The South Capitol Blog is dedicated to the South Capitol/Frederick Douglass Mall (Promenade) that appears in the planning of the National Capital Planning Commission through the 1990s up through 2001, but which has been quietly dropped. Ostensibly this was to avoid eminent domain, which the authorities are nonetheless happy to use for the Nationals Stadium and its related development which directly conflicts with -- and in practicality stops -- the South Capitol/Frederick Douglass Mall (Promenade).
This blog dovetails with the separate initiative to create "the third century mall" as the 21st Century update and extension of the L'Enfant Plan and the Senate Park Commission (McMillan) Plan. (See THE NATIONAL MALL THIRD CENTURY INITIATIVE.)

Index Keywords: urban-design-placemaking
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