A sign isn't enough

According to "Legislator seeks experts' advice on keeping motorists on right side of the road," from the Charleston Daily Mail:
A series of wrong-way car crashes has prompted one legislator to look at remedies that might keep motorists on their side of the road. Delegate Brent Boggs, D-Braxton, is recommending the Legislature tap transportation experts to assess interstate entrance ramps and the cause of wrong-way accidents.
Other states, including Texas and Washington, have installed motion sensors, flashing signs and even slanted spikes around ramps as wrong-way driving preventive measures. In West Virginia, Boggs believes the standard red "Wrong Way" signs aren't enough.
Hmm. I guess this isn't a matter of IQ tests. I haven't written about the recent Post op-ed, "A Deadly Story We Keep Missing," about how about 44,000 people die every year in the U.S. as a result of automobile accidents, and how this is just considered merely one of the many costs of driving.
Index Keywords: car-culture
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