Recruitment Opportunity: Dutch Country Market
Yesterday's Post has an article about Burtonsville's Dutch Country Market, and its impending closure. See "Twilight for Amish Market," subtitled "Burtonsville Seeks New Home for Vendors Before Shopping Center Is Razed Next Year." Note that the Post reported on this in the Howard and Montgomery County Extra sections in March 2006, such as in this article, "Farmers Market May Be Migrating," subtitled "Some Residents Oppose Plan to Redevelop Shopping Center." Below is a blog entry from February 2006...
The Dutch Country Market is a "public market" in an Old Safeway Store on Old Columbia Pike Road (Route 29) in Burtonsville, Maryland. It's open Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. I didn't count the "stalls" but there are a fair number. Many dessert counters, and large produce, meat, and dairy sections.
According to a flyer that was being passed out, the property owner is seeking approval to tear down this shopping center (which also has a Post Office, a Dunkin Donuts, and a number of other stores) in favor of a Walmart type big box store.
DC is pretty much disconnected from the agriculture around us, and as a result, doesn't have much of a food culture. Here's an opportunity to change that somewhat.

Baked Goods.

Decent prices.

"You need meat, go to the market. You need bread, try the bakery..." Jim Morrison and the Doors.

Labels: food-agriculture-markets, retail
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