Street life

1700 block of L Street, north side
Ken calls our attention to the All About Cities blog and an entry about street vitality in Vancouver. One street with small storefronts has the right rhythm while the adjoining street with much bigger storefronts doesn't have the right rhythm. See the entry "What makes a vibrant commercial street?

1700 block of L Street, south side
Nigel calls our attention to a piece from the Nashville Scene on a failed park. The Nashville Street Life Project did an analysis of the park, based on placemaking principles from the Project for Public Spaces, inspired by the PPS film, The PPS entry on Paley Park is interesting and shows that small spaces can work as welcome park-based respites.
Many many years ago, and lamentably out of print, the Downtown DC BID produced a brochure about the principles of vibrant streets. I have scanned the document. Here are their Principles of Great Streets and the Principles of Quality Storefronts.
Labels: urban design/placemaking
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