ACT meeting tomorrow: Purple Line Basics

I see this bike in Takoma a lot. Although in many instances I would prefer bicycling...
From email:
Please join us on Tuesday August 12 for "Purple Line Basics". The meeting begins at 7:30pm at the Silver Spring Center, 8818 Georgia Ave. The Center is a ten minute walk north from the Silver Spring Metro Station. Ride On #5 stops two blocks west of the Center at Spring & 1st. Metrobus "Q" and "Y" routes stop in front of the Center
Yesterday's Bethesda - Chevy Chase Gazette carried a favorable article on the Purple Line. Ben Ross is quoted. Most of the other Montgomery County editions of the Gazette did not include the article.
1. The Action Coalition for Transit is the Montgomery County advocates group that has helped keep the Purple Line light rail transit proposal in the public eye, even when it was considered dead and buried only three years ago.
2. This reminds me that I keep forgetting to mention an El Pregonaro article on the Purple Line, "Terps” dicen que Línea Morada del metro es vital para universitarios de Maryland." It was a front page article, and had nice full-color images. It's interesting, and emphasizes the importance of foreign language media in representing the specific needs of its readership.
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