Rebuilding Place in the Urban Space

"A community’s physical form, rather than its land uses, is its most intrinsic and enduring characteristic." [Katz, EPA] This blog focuses on place and placemaking and all that makes it work--historic preservation, urban design, transportation, asset-based community development, arts & cultural development, commercial district revitalization, tourism & destination development, and quality of life advocacy--along with doses of civic engagement and good governance watchdogging.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Further updates to the Sustainable Mobility Platform Framework

Nigel, our e-correspondent from New Zealand, points out some omissions to the SMP framework I laid out a few days ago such as water-based services (oops!) and suggests that with some tweaks acknowledging some Asian modes the framework can become more robust.

In our back and forth discussion, from the standpoint of the ladder, we are talking modes, but also within it is the other concept of primary, secondary, and tertiary (intra-district) transit at the city/county/metropolitan/regional scales.

Another dimension is from personal mobility to mass transit, and from no power to powered forms of mobility.

Specific services would be categorized like that. E.g., the DC streetcar is a tertiary service within the center city transit network so far, serving a wee bit of H Street NE whereas the now moving forward Purple Line light rail which will be something like 19 miles long with 20+ stations, and connections to 4 legs of Metrorail and all three MARC lines, will be part of the Metropolitan primary transit network, rather than merely being the foundation of the suburban primary network.

Additions to the framework are shown in bold italic.

The Sustainable Mobility Platform at the city/county/metropolitan scale

-- Walking

-- Horizontal-Vertical Connections 
---- public stairways such as the stairway connecting a neighborhood on a hill to the Weehawken waterfront in New Jersey
---- public escalators in Medellin, Colombia ("Medellín slum gets giant outdoor escalator," Telegraph) and Hong Kong
---- public elevators as part of the horizontal/vertical mobility system of "streets and blocks" in various communities, including Monaco, Salvador, Brazil, and Wanganui, New Zealand
---- pedestrian bridges across roads, freeways, railroad tracks, etc.
---- pedestrian exclusive zones (blocks, malls, etc.)
---- pedestrian walkways and networks between buildings either below ground (Pedway in Chicago, PATH in Toronto, the Underground Pedestrian Network in Montreal, or what in London are called "subways" but they haven't organized these connections at the scale of a network) or above ground (skyway network connecting buildings in Minneapolis and St. Paul)
---- Barnes Dance Intersections such as Oxford Circus in London
---- wayfinding systems
---- package pick up points (double listed)
---- funiculars and incline railways including facilitating beach access ("Dana Point's beach elevator open this weekend," Orange County Register)

Oxford Circus pedestrian crossing, Oxford Street and Regent Street, Westminster, London
Oxford Circus Barnes Dance Intersection at Oxford and Regent Streets, Westminster, London

-- Skateboards/Scooters (nonmotor)

-- E-Scooters/Segways/electric wheels
---- dockless scooters (Bird, LimeBike)

-- Cycling
---- paths and trails
---- bicycle bridges (e.g., over freeways; the High Trestle Trail art bridge in Iowa, etc.)
---- secure bike parking, air pumps, repair stands
---- bike parking networks (e.g., Parkiteer in Melbourne, bike parking at rail stations in the UK, Netherlands, Denmark, etc.)
---- access to trailers
---- tandems
---- cargo bikes
---- e-bikes
---- special populations ("Two men leading an effort to provide bikes to homeless," WLOX-TV)
---- programming to promote biking as transportation/bicycle advocacy
---- programs that assist in buying a bicycle

-- Bicycle sharing
---- community system (dock based)
---- dockless pedal (LimeBike, Mobike, Ofo, etc.)
---- dockless e-bikes (Jump, Lime)
---- cargo bikes (LastenVelo, Freiburg, Germany; Carvelo2go, Switzerland)
---- building/campus (e.g., hotel, office building, university, office complex)
---- special populations ("New bike share program gives One80 Place's homeless a way around the city," WCIV-TV)

-- Two-Wheel Vehicles: Scooters/Motorcycles
---- scooter sharing (Scoot in SF)

-- Delivery services 
---- trailer lending for bicycles (e.g., Ikea Denmark)
---- packages long distance (e.g., UPS, FedEx, etc.)
---- local delivery (e.g. Dolly, robots) including groceries
---- bicycle-based delivery (messengers, food, etc.)
---- package pickup points (Amazon, UPS, etc.)

Amazon pick up center in a Merseyrail ticket office
Merseyrail ticket offices have Amazon package pick up points.

-- Surface Mobility Throughput Measures/Transportation System Management
---- traffic signal optimization
---- Intelligent Transportation System initiatives
---- Congestion Zone schemes
---- Dedicated transitways/transit malls for buses and/or trams/streetcars/light rail
---- Transit prioritization measures (traffic signal priority, etc.)

-- Metropolitan Transit
---- network scale (regional, metropolitan, city; primary, secondary, tertiary)
---- various bus, streetcar, light rail, heavy rail, railroad services
---- water-based services: water taxis (shorter distances), ferries (longer distances)
---- air-based services: gondolas; aerial trams -- e.g. in Medellín, Colombia ("'Social urbanism' experiment breathes new life into Colombia's Medellin," Toronto Globe & Mail; "Medellín's 'social urbanism' a model for city transformation," Mail & Guardian), Portland, Oregon, Roosevelt Island, Queens, New York City, La Paz, Bolivia ("Largest urban cable car soars over 'desperate' commuters of La Paz ," Guardian
---- intra-district (Baltimore Circulator, Circulators, San Diego FRED Shuttle, tourist-oriented streetcar services such as in Memphis or Tampa, Detroit People Mover and Miami Metromover rail-based elevated systems); campus (airports), tertiary network (Tempe Orbit), the Seattle Monorail? ("Station expansions can double Seattle monorail capacity new report says," Seattle Times)
---- fareless square and other free transit services ("No Fares," The Tyee)
---- shuttle services (school, employer, residential)
---- visitor (tourist) transportation services (Visitor Transportation Study: Report on Urban Visitor Transportation Services, Volpe Transportation Center, USDOT)
---- microtransit either private  Chariot, Israeli sheruts) or public (AC Transit FLEX pilot project, "The newest battleground between public transit and Uber, Lyft is an unlikely one," San Jose Mercury News)
---- shared taxi type services at edges of the transit system (taxi collectif in Montreal) or intra-district (Via, UberPool, Lyft Line) either publicly subsidized ("Mass transit gets boost from ridesharing," USA Today; "Uber and Lyft Want to Replace Public Buses," Bloomberg) or not (arguably this is merely a form of what is now being called "microtransit")

-- Transportation Demand Management Programming 
---- Programming of all types

-- Paratransit/medical transportation

-- Taxis/Ride hailing
---- pedicab/bicycle pedicab
---- Ojeks/motorcycle taxis ("Ojek Ride-Sharing in Indonesia: A New Urban Mobility TheProtoCity)
---- Bajai/TukTuks, 3-wheel taxis
---- (traditional) motor vehicle based taxis

Go Jek ad
Go Jek is an Indonesian system organizing branded ojek services through software and telecommunications systems, comparable to Uber.

-- Car sharing
---- one-way (car2go)
---- two-way (Zipcar, Enterprise, Maven, Commun-auto, a nonprofit service in Montreal, City Share in SF, etc.)
---- inclusion of a variety of vehicles in fleets to accommodate multiple uses (Zipcar)
---- electric car sharing systems (Autolib in Paris; BlueIndy in Indianapolis, etc.)

-- Car pooling

-- Car rental

-- Freight Transportation
---- time-shifting deliveries outside of day time hours
---- moving waste by barge or train [London and NYC move some waste by barge}
---- moving construction materials by barge or train (London moves some construction materials by barge)

Barge on the River Thames carrying piping for the London supersewer project
Barge on the River Thames carrying piping for the London supersewer project

---- moving materials or items between plants by transit or other means
------ freight tram (VW moves materials between facilities in a dedicated tram running on the local streetcar network in Dresden)
------ pipeline (the Halve Main brewery in Bruges moves beer from the brewery to the bottling plant by pipeline, "First beer pipeline in the world opens in Bruges, Belgium," CNN Money)

Sustainable Mobility Platform at the Regional Scale

-- Regional Transit
---- van pools (longer distance, e.g., vride) (re-categorized)
---- Commuter bus
---- Inter-city bus (Greyhound, Trailways, Megabus, Bolt, etc.)
---- Inter-city rail (regional passenger and/or commuter rail services including all-day services like Long Island Rail Road or commuter specific services such as Virginia Railway Express which does not provide weekend or late night service)
---- Ferries (e.g., Steamboat Authority service to Nantucket, etc.)

-- Pedestrian connections
---- Pedestrian Bridge to San Ysidro Airport in Tijuana across the US-Mexican border

Sustainable Mobility Platform at the Multi-regional and Multi-state scale

---- Inter-city bus (Greyhound, Trailways, Megabus, Bolt, etc.)
---- Inter-city rail (Amtrak, separate long distance rail services in New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts, All Aboard Florida)
---- Ferries (e.g., services between Maine and Canada; Vancouver, BC and Washington State, etc.)

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At 5:46 PM, Anonymous charlie said...

This is very similar to what the new ceo of uber is talking about -- becoming the amazon of transportation.

At 7:50 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

Well, I think it's a mistake to think like that. Not to not think about platforms, but Amazon sells goods that traditionally are sold at a profit.

Mobility services tend to be subsidized in a variety of ways and many of the forms aren't particularly profitable. If they were, then private firms would be operating them now.

Taxis are hardly wildly profitable. Bike share? Not profitable. Transit, not profitable, although inter city bus systems seem to be able to make money.

So aiming to be "the Amazon of transportation" is a losing proposition.


There will be opportunities, but not to run the whole thing. And I am so not surprised that despite all the press they got, the Helsinki venture in mobility as a service went under in 2015:

Although now there is a new one, an app based platform called Whim:

EXCEPT FOR THE FACT YOU HAVE TO PUT IT TOGETHER YOURSELF, we have that here in DC: transit + bike share + car share + delivery + taxi + rental (+ walking + biking). & for you + scooter...

I don't know if it's all in one app if that would make a difference. But I know my household is living Maas right now.

The thing is that I am the one that "arbitrages" (if that's the right term in this context) which one to use based on how long we intend to do something and the cost of various options: transit; short term car share; longer term car share; rental; delivery.

Seattle, NYC, Boston, maybe Chicago, and to some extent San Francisco (they are weak on car share because they don't have much in the way of available street parking so car2go can't function there) are the other places where you can do this.

But you can. Right now.

2. I came across some really interesting work by LA. I only saw the third document:

which is designed as a framework to bring about the scenario as discussed in two other documents.

They are focused on AVs, but really it's about the SMP and all the components to make "mobility as a service" something that works.

I am really going to have to sit down and work through all the documents.

At 8:35 AM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

Via is offering a what, $159/mo. subscription for four rides per day + dockless bike ("for a limited time").

The Whim program in Helsinki is a whopping $573/mo. for unlimited use of all its modes.

I just don't see how these kinds of subscriptions make sense for a lot of people, unless they are already paying more than that for their mobility consumption.

It's another example of Suzanne's line of "paying for the process."

But then, maybe lots of people are focused on the convenience "of not having to think about it." I know that is Suzanne's position. I'm the one who figures out based on what we're doing if it's cheaper to use transit, one way carshare, two way carshare, or rental car.

but this gets back to the point about integrating payment systems, which is a key element of the LA strategic planning framework document.


I just don't know how much it matters.

Maybe it's like those old combo fax-copier-scanner multifunctional devices. Multifunction came at a cost of sub-optimal functions for some of the included capabilities.

How great is Whim or something similar if mostly you use one or two types of mobility and the others super rarely.

At 9:40 AM, Anonymous charlie said...

car companies are also moving to this model:

1. Mercedes other luxury is doing car share -- $2000 a month for any mercedes, everything includes (insurance basically, not gas).

2. Also Volvo is doing a fixed monthly price (700/m) for car, insurance + maintenance.

I'm with you -- look at those prices and say you're crazy, other people would rather have a fixed cost and not arbitrage the differences.

I'm not judging the new Uber strategy -- other than noting basically just your -- if you think of it can capturing the $500/m in car payments, $300 in other "car expense" plus maybe $100/m in "mobility" (and then get some government revenue streams going) well maybe it makes sense.

GF's father was here last weekend and very thankful I owned a car.

Larger branding point -- we only talk about transit/mobility as getting to work and it can be much much more.

E-scooter working great. Did get caught in the rain yesterday. The e-scooter rentals have a lot of problems.

At 12:24 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

… well, you always gotta know your environment. On the MBT, once I got under the overhang of one of the warehouse building by RI Ave. during a bad rain. On 4th St. NW there by Rhode Island and NJ Avenues, I went under the raised porch of a house at the corner there (what used to be a funeral home), etc.

wrt GF's father, when we finally merge our household with her parents sometime within the next year, we'll have to get a car or a new one (if we move "out there").

But I've had plenty of other terrible rain incidents...

And I realize I'll have to change some of my ways of doing things. E.g., I do the grocery shopping for the two of us, by bike, but with them, we'll want them to do things and remain engaged with the world, so that probably means shifting to group grocery shopping and that means by car, etc., even though it'd be faster for me to keep doing it myself.

2. WRT your point about transit branding, in my 6.5 hours with the ex TfL guy, he specifically mentioned transit as a utility and that is how it is outlined in the relevant legislation creating the various London transport agency in all its forms.

I need to read up on utility theory. Not just the common carrier stuff but the theory about why utilities are good, the value of this kind of monopoly in return for regulation, etc.

Anyway, in the context of freight railroads f*ing over passenger services, I realized that states/the federal govt. (although with Republicans controlling the govt. they aren't interested) that a public service argument can still be made wrt access to the tracks on the utility argument, but relatedly, that they got the ROW to do both, even though they are now only running freight, it's in the public interest to maintain high quality access to passenger services.

3. Anyway, when you start thinking about transit in terms of how it creates, maintains, and enhances quality of life, "as a utility" it's a whole different argument.

That too is the justification for discounted passes.

Note that this isn't the argument for transit in the DC area, or even, generally within DC itself.

I don't feel like we have many elected officials (Charles Allen is an exception) who think much overall about transit and quality of life, smart growth and the city, etc.

It's quite damning, really, of our city's political leadership.

At 12:28 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

wrt your follow on point about Uber. Yes, you're right, the more of the value of the total mobility transaction you can capture, it may work.

e.g., with weddings and websites, I always used to say it's a one off event, because of the cost to obtain a customer, it's difficult to make enough money to make it worth it, because there isn't repeat business (and if there is it's between multi-year gaps). But if you can capture multiple elements of the transaction:

-- tuxedos
-- rental of the event space
-- gift registry and sales of gifts
-- accommodations for guests
-- food
-- flowers
-- Honeymoon trip and lodging

it can be profitable even for a one off transaction.

At 12:30 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

and in the UK, while long distance RR services are f*ing expensive compared to the US or Continental Europe, intra-metropolitan transit is comparatively cheap. Lots of pass products, London does capping, etc.

At 9:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

- Merseyrail photo- if WMATA had half a brain they'd have replaced all the old newspaper vending machines with Amazon lockers ages ago. I have a building concierge to take packages, but I still use Amazon locker (@a 7-11) a lot because its just convenient and frankly quicker that for my front desk to find it and sign me out.
- But then, maybe lots of people are focused on the convenience "of not having to think about it." --- That's why most of the population takes the path of least resistance and just buys a car.

At 6:50 AM, Anonymous charlie said...

yes I think the strategic game being played by new uber CEO is "how can we make it so easy that we can capture 75% of entire transport spend -- say $500 a month -- just as apple has captured about 75% of the consumer electronic spend"

Not judging it but find it intriguing the RL and him are thinking on similar lines.*

Transit as a utility. Worried it one of those common words that separate the UK and the US. That said:

* Have to give Uber credit -- they've been through at my count three strategic visions:

1) We're going have better service than taxis!


2) We can use our app to create a giant workforce that can do anything!


3) Uber=urbanization and transport options (the current one).

At 10:19 AM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

wrt the last point and your earlier points about "Uber," it is also a great brand (except for all the TK related problems and the reality that it isn't great for drivers) in that it means "responsiveness".

So it is a brand that is extendable to other mobility related segments such as food delivery and other fractional uses, e.g., I seem to recall an article maybe in the FT awhile ago, maybe the Guardian about fractional use access to boats in some parts of Europe being marketed via Uber.

I guess it's in Miami, Charleston and other places now too.

That has potential.

Except that ultimately, in car-based services the drivers won't make much money and that will always be an overhang until drivers are eliminated.

At 10:32 AM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

this got me thinking this way. Although many other things too.

which helped me see this:

but also some of that bike sharing sales we tried to do. The developers of the technology had a great diagram about this, but I don't have time to convert it at the moment, I'll do it later today.

But it's out of the mobility hub stuff, which a lot of people conceptualized around the same time as me, which grew into the general MaaS/TaaS approach these days, which includes integration in various ways not just "proximity" the way I was thinking about it 12 years ago.

But I don't know, around the same time, I came across some great UNESCO environment-sustainability publications that I can never find online anymore, but about "the product service system". That laid the groundwork for this kind of thinking, about fractional use and selling products+services rather than merely products.

e.g. GE with aircraft engines, etc.

(but I had a kind of idea about that about software platforms, before Nathan Myrvold even, when I worked at CSPI, managing the nutrition software program, which I proposed be repositioned as a differentiated platform to span consumer and professional uses, licensing cookbooks, etc.)

At 1:52 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

this is the urbikes related diagram that got me thinking about various elements not as separate services but as elements within an interconnected system:

At 2:10 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

report from DePaul's Chaddick Institute. But focused on new riders.

At 7:18 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

Washington Post Travel Section 7/1/2018 had a focus on NYC, and included a feature comparing the different "Chinese buses/cheap inter-city bus" options between DC and NYC.

At 7:43 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

NYC DOT introduces dedicated car sharing parking spaces. Some residents complain.

At 12:10 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

Skedaddle, a crowdsourcing app for private charter transportation to distant events like concerts:

At 7:48 AM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

Dealing with parking needs to be included in the platform model, because managing parking helps manage congestion.

The Boston Globe has an article about it in terms of parking e-apps offering information comparing options, sometimes offering special rates. Apparently most of Boston's parking is privately run (outside of street parking).

Definitely the concept of shared parking is relevant as well.

At 1:03 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

article on Peapod grocery delivery service:


At 6:23 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

Baltimore drops traditional bike share, switching to dockless, with heavy requirements to have dockless bikes and e-scooters in low income neighborhoods.


At 6:01 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

HopSkipDrive service for kids:

At 9:27 AM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

woman specific ride hailing:

Bungii, pickup truck sharing

At 7:17 AM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

Lyft discounted ride program with 53 different Maryland breweries, wineries, and distilleries:

At 8:57 AM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

Boston aims to produce an integrated fare media system. For all the transit including trains. Said to be transformational because they aim to include private sector services.

The discussion in the latter article mixes up issues concerning the technology and what it can do (distance based fares, etc.) and fare policy questions (charging one fare for a bus + subway trip, etc.).

It makes the point that the legacy systems have the "knowledge" in the fare readers--meaning each gate needs to have the programming downloaded -- and that the new systems leapfrog that.

Other interesting points:


1. The "Boston" area Charlie card does work on many of the state's bus systems outside of the Boston area.

2. Harvard and MIT have integrated transit card technology into id cards, so that they can be used as transit passes too.


3. Chicago aims to integrate bike sharing into the transit card system.

4. How the fare card in Tokyo can be used as the equivalent of an ATM card for non-transit purposes.

5. Lyft access is incorporated into the Amtrak app.

At 12:12 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

Should HOV be considered an element of sustainable mobility? Probably, but it is still car-based.

This SF Chronicle article discusses "casual carpool," which in DC is called "slugging" and involves people driving with others into the city picking up passengers to enable use of High Occupancy Vehicle lanes


At 1:36 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

Hopthru mobile e-ticketing app a third way to buy tickets for the SF Bay Ferry:

paper, Clipper card are the others.

At 9:22 AM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

Zipcar has a rewards program, not all that, for members.

STM (Montreal) does too.

Uber and Lyft are introducing similar programs.

At 9:28 AM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

San Diego's GreatCall mobile phone service targeting seniors is bundling in access to Lyft.

At 9:32 AM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

Lyft membership program. $300 for 30 rides up to a $15 value per ride.

At 1:22 PM, Anonymous Richard Layman said...

via transit, san antonio

app, kiosk, includes mobile payment, schedule, real-time, chatbot q&a

At 8:00 AM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

moovit transit app (like NextBus)

At 2:51 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

Coup, electric sitting scooter sharing, Berlin and Paris. Uses platform produced by Bosch.

Cityscoot is a similar program also in Paris.


At 3:34 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

4:1 "ethical return" on biking according to a report on the value of the biking industry in the UK.

website: 200 years of the British Cycling Industry

HS2 bike trail scuttled in the UK

At 3:34 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

consultancy in the UK

At 1:46 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

3rd party meal delivery

At 11:27 AM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

indoor wayfinding within buildings

at Akron City Hospital, app by Logic Function


At 11:16 AM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

CityMapper has a weekly subscription service in London that is very cheap. £30 week for bus and rail in Zones 1 and 2, and £40 including bike share. It's still cheaper to get a bike share membership separately as the cost for a yearly membership is £90. But it's 12 pounds/day (not having a monthly pass) for bus + rail.

The weekly London Travelcard is cheaper than the cap rates for daily rail + bus. But is still a bit more expensive than the Citymapper rate.

At 1:34 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

Seattle EV building readiness requirement.


At 10:21 AM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

MA: Transportation experts urge T to consider other transit systems' alternatives to fare hikes
Transportation experts eyeing an MBTA proposal to hike fares by 6 percent are calling on the agency to look at strategies that work for other big-city transit authorities.


Feb. 28--Transportation experts eyeing an MBTA proposal to hike fares by 6 percent are calling on the agency to look at strategies that work for other big-city transit authorities.

"Holistically, we shouldn't be talking about raising fares for the T and not for TNC's (ride share services)," said Josh Fairchild, the co-founder and acting president of TransitMatters, an advocacy group that opposes the fare increases. "Every rider who leaves the T is actually moving more congestion to the roads ... we need to think about what other cities are doing."

Fairchild says a three-hour window for multiple rides on a single fare, similar to how Houston provides service, could be a way for the T to convince customers to get on board with fare increases.

"When you're raising the price and not improving service, the question becomes, what is the rider getting out of this?" said Fairchild. "Other cities have daily caps, which helps riders who can't afford out-of-pocket."

Chris Dempsey, the director of Transportation for Massachusetts, said though his coalition hasn't taken an official stance on the hikes, they're becoming concerned about what the pricing would do to ridership and the city's growing congestion, recently voted worst in the country by an INRIX study. He agreed that the T could provide other incentives to convince its riders to pay more.

"If prices go up and the service stays the same, there's going to be frustration," Dempsey said. "It's good for business if you can get off and run a few errands and get back on. You're more likely to pay for a ride."

Charlie Chieppo, a transportation watchdog at the Pioneer Institute, said rate hikes are "a necessity."

"I'd like to see a system that's a lot more streamlined and effective. But a lot of good work has been done since 2015 and when the new Orange Line cars hit, I think people will see some of that," Chieppo said.

He suggested not increasing rates for low-income people and seniors. "Places like Seattle do a good job of rolling out systems for low-income folks to pay less to avoid losing ridership," Chieppo said.

Staci Rubin, a senior attorney at the Conservation Law Foundation, agrees. Saying hikes should be "fair, modest and necessary," Rubin said increases result in decreased ridership. "We have to maintain affordability for low-income folks, people of color, and seniors."

The MTA in New York voted Wednesday to increase rates for seven- and 30-day passes, but elected to keep its base bus and subway fare at $2.75. In October, the Chicago Transit Authority announced it would not increase base fares, which remain at $2.50 for train and $2.25 for bus, or multi-day passes. The Metro in Washington, D.C., also elected in October not to increase prices and recommended reducing fares to $2 on weekends.

___ (c)2019 the Boston Herald Visit the Boston Herald at Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

At 7:25 AM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

another example of microtransit/taxi collectif

"flex routes" in Houston. Originally implemented in the Acre Homes district. From

a flex route - also called a community connector that uses a small bus to roam a small area and connect users who call and request a ride to nearby major bus routes and transit centers, as well as destinations in the zone. Metro scaled back its plans for community connectors in 2015 to a single zone, in Acres Homes, after other communities balked at the service.

Since, the Acres Homes connector has proved popular and continues to operate. A second community connector was added last year in Missouri City.


At 10:10 AM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

hopskipdrive ride hailing for children coming to DC area

At 10:34 AM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

cameras to catch bus lane violators, NYC


At 9:59 AM, Anonymous Richard Layman said...

Microtransit in Johnson County, KS

At 11:54 AM, Blogger Slice_of_Life said...

Lyft discounted trips from grocery stores program, City Works program


At 6:51 AM, Anonymous Richard L Layman said...

Zoomee Rides, ArCo, chauffer service for children.

Arlington, Alexandria, McLean -- kids at least 5 years old

Article in March 2019 Northern Virginia magazine

At 1:47 PM, Anonymous Richard Layman said...

Study of data in Chicago finds most trips from high income areas to the Downtown (Loop). + trips from and to the airport

At 11:50 AM, Anonymous Richard Layman said...

carvelo2go, cargo e-bike sharing in Switzerland, launched in 2015. Has since expanded to multiple cities.

At 2:39 PM, Anonymous Richard Layman said...

report from ASU on impact of ride hailing

At 1:43 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

Minneapolis mobility hubs:


At 10:03 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

Enterprise "car subscriptions". Way more costly than owning one.

At 5:28 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

the issue of paying to charge your car at a public station. Most have proprietary systems, don't accept regular credit cards.


At 10:25 AM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

Electric tuk tuks in Richmond


At 6:03 AM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

At 7:56 AM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

SF taxi driver, now driving for Lyft, makes about 1/2 of what he did as a cabbie, before the introduction of ride hailing.


At 9:03 AM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

2002 article from the NY Times on "Step Streets"

At 9:26 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

apps to make ride hailing more lucrative for drivers

At 9:57 AM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

Lime scooter leaving San Diego, which should be an ideal market. The city imposed speed restrictions, staging restrictions, and limits for use along the waterfront, which later expanded into a ban on waterfront use.

From July to Dec., with the restrictions, ridership declined by 75%. Although partly that could be due to seasonality.

I think it might also have to do with the likelihood that most of the users were tourists. And the origin-destination distances outside of the waterfront aren't conducive/they don't have the density-grid characteristics supportive of sustainable mobility.

(E.g., years ago, Car2Go left the market.)

At 10:46 AM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

Getaround vehicles -- peer to peer car sharing -- targeted for theft, criminal activity.

Lyft opens driver center in San Diego. Offers less expensive repairs, has a drivers lounge, etc.

At 8:37 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

International Transport Forum report on safe micromobility


At 1:38 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

London traffic congestion rising, even though private car use declining.

- delivery vehicles and not combining trips
- ride hailing vehicles adding trips, diverting people from transit
- road pinching for cycle lanes
- bus speed dropping after improving post congestion charge

At 12:24 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

ITDP infographic on micromobility

At 3:01 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

Step streets in NYC and Pedestrian network (associated with original streetcar system) in Berkeley, CA.

There are public elevators in Luxembourg.

Pfaffenthal Lift, 40 pg. brochure in French:

At 7:54 AM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

It's hard to believe that the Chicago MPO had never done a study of pedestrian access to train and subway stations.

The Active Transportation Alliance has done these studies, also including bicycling, for some stations, using grant funding.

This probably led the MPO to do a complete study.

At 7:18 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...


High quality designed pedestrian bridges created to solve difficult access and engineering issues:

At 6:44 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

This article is pretty breathless about subscriptions for car access rather than ownership.

The Death Of Car Ownership: This $30 Trillion Trend Could Kill The Auto Industry.

Attempts thus far haven't been that successful. It does have opportunity in the cities. Not in suburbs and other less dense places.

Car share is probably enough.

It remains to be seen how much ride hailing trips will increase in price, driver pay, and how this will affect demand and substitution of other means of travel.


At 10:32 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

This article discusses how a French pedestrian advocacy group surveyed people in 200 cities to rate the quality of their walking environment.

Paris got a particularly bad grade because of "reckless bicyclists and e-scooter riders" using the same spaces.

"Paris gets mediocre ‘walkability’ grade over reckless bike, e-scooter riders"

At 3:42 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

"Bird will expand access to electric scooters for public transit in Nashville"

The two sides will harness WeGo Public Transit’s data and expertise about transit usage patterns as well as Bird's know-how to build their pilot program. Folks traveling to and from some areas of the city "will have consistent and reliable access" to e-scooters, according to Bird. The hope is that residents will opt for a scooter for the last-mile section of their journeys, which are often taken by car.
Bird noted in a press release that transit gaps can prevent people from having easy access to public transportation. Scooters can help those without cars get to and from bus stops and train stations. Bird didn't say when the program will ramp up or how much the scooter rides will cost.

FWIW, bikes are cheaper and more versatile (eg bike sharing programs).

At 5:00 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

Walking tunnel under the River Thames in London.

My London: The little-known walking route hundreds of metres long that lets you pass beneath the Thames.

At 2:42 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...


Over the next few weeks, the Transit app will charge users a monthly or annual subscription to access information about schedules at stops and stations not in their immediate vicinity (more than 200 metres away) as well as several hours into the future.

The premium feature is being rolled out gradually. Anyone who downloads the app for the first time won’t be able to access all the features for free, while existing users will have a 14-day grace period as of the day of the last update of the app on their phones.

Transit, a Montreal-based company with 65 employees, is rolling out a subscription model to all the 300 cities it serves. However, in some of those cities the local transit agency has stepped in to sponsor the premium features. That means the transit agency has paid to allow riders of its city to continue to use all the features in the app for free.

Transit is the official or endorsed application for 75 transit agencies around the world, including in Montreal, and roughly half of those agencies have opted to pay for a sponsorship. The Société de transport de Montréal has opted not to do so.

Subscriptions to the Royale service cost $24.99 for the year and $4.99 on a monthly basis.

At 2:48 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

Ebikes crashes cause more serious injuries.

"Increased injury severity and hospitalization rates following crashes with e-bikes versus conventional bicycles: an observational cohort study from a regional level II trauma center in Switzerland"

2. Scooters too.

"Ride a Bird scooter. Have an accident. Pay a mighty price"

At 2:50 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

Scooter riders and bike lanes

"Scooting to a New Era in Active Transportation: Examining the Use and Safety of E-Scooters"

National Institute for Transportation and Communities, Portland State University

At 3:23 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

One of the problems with for profit participants is that they go out of business. This happened with Car2Go and the brief flowering of the Chinese bike share companies. The scooter-e-bike companies have this issue too.

After Bolt bolted from 5 US cities, who gets to take its abandoned electric bikes?

At 9:45 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

"Changing Skyline: Bring Philadelphia's suffering bus travelers inside"

Compares quality of stations, often nonexistent for non Greyhound bus services, between inter city bus transit and railroads. Amtrak is planning to accommodate inter city bus riders in master planning for the expansion of 30th Street Station in Philadelphia.

At 6:24 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

Story about Uber Boats stepping in with Thames Clippers to provide cross river services in areas of London without bridges.

Commuters in parts of London with no bridges can now get a boat across Thames.

I don't see why London could have just done "foot ferries"/water taxis across the river in those locations, like the Seattle foot ferry run by King County.

But looking at the webpage, it's expensive.

2. Apparently the extension of the R14 (River Boat) route to a newly opened dock at , cut the cross river trip from 2 hours to 30 minutes.

"Taking just nine minutes, riverbus route RB1 was extended from its previous terminus at Woolwich Royal Arsenal on the south bank over to the new pier on the north, transforming a comparable cross-river journey which MyLondon attested to taking almost two hours now taking just a quarter of the time."

According to the article, while it is run as a transit service by Thames Clippers with oversight and other involvement by Transport for London, it is a for profit service with no fare subsidies. So fares vary according to cost.

At 2:53 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

Company transportation reimbursement covers Uber, not electric bike bicycle sharing.

At 10:44 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

"Maple Grove project shows how suburban transit stations are morphing into mobility hubs"
Stops like Maple Grove adding Uber, Lyft, taxi, other travel options to transform their centers into transportation hubs


That's the thinking behind a remodeling project nearing completion at the Maple Grove station, which is transforming the 20-year-old facility near the Shoppes at Arbor Lakes into a mobility hub.

Hubs are where a variety of on-demand transportation options are available in a single place, giving travelers like Annon a variety of ways to get from the station to their final destination and complete "last mile" trips.

In Maple Grove, a small parking was lot ripped out and replaced with a new driveway featuring dedicated lanes for taxis, Uber and Lyft vehicles, and My Ride, the city's on-demand transit service. The station also installed electric vehicle charging stalls.

"We want the transit station to accommodate all kinds of services for people who are going shopping or going to work," said Mike Opatz, Maple Grove's transit administrator. "We need to pivot and engage different services."

Though electric scooters and bikes are not available yet, the station at 12350 Main St. has space to add them. Options such as car sharing could be added, too, Opatz said.

Mobility hubs have been a hot topic nationally for the past few years, and they are most often found in urban areas. Two years ago, Minneapolis, to reduce its carbon footprint, launched a pilot to encourage people to leave their cars at home. It launched 12 hubs with bikes and scooters at busy bus stops that year and had 25 in 2020. This year the city will have "a very limited number of locations for the last few months of the 2021 pilot season," and will use federal funds to deploy a full 2022 pilot program, said city spokeswoman Sarah McKenzie.

--- continued ----

At 10:45 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

--- continued ----

Mobility hubs, however, are starting to pop up in the suburbs. SouthWest Transit, serving Eden Prairie, Chaska and Chanhassen, a few years ago turned its bus stations into hubs. Besides having bikes for rent, the stations have designated pickup and drop-off spots for its on-demand ride service and app-based ride share companies. Jefferson Lines, providing intercity travel, serves the stations. Additional bike sharing, possibly car sharing and scooter rental could be on the horizon, said CEO Len Simich. ...

Studies have shown people are less likely to use public transportation if they are more than a mile from the nearest transit station or bus stop. That is a reality for many suburban commuters, steering them away from transit.

The Met Council before the pandemic was already looking at the possibility of establishing mobility hubs on high-frequency and rapid bus lines, and is halfway through a yearlong study to figure out where to put them. It's also developing a guide for local governments and transit providers to make the investment. The idea is that hubs would be places to rent bikes, scooters or catch a ride share, and perhaps incorporate other services such as drop boxes for packages and places to get information.

"They can be a neighborhood hub," Hiniker said. "How do we expand the reach of transit? Maple Grove is a good example. The guide can prime the pump."

Suburban mobility hubs are a logical next step in connecting communities to city centers, said Chad Chitwood of the American Public Transportation Association. Many communities have long had bus routes, commuter parking and bus facilities that provided access to the larger transit network, but not necessarily all in one location, he said. Getting from home to the bus stop and the reverse is a major pain point for those who live farther out from transit options, leading commuters to opt to drive instead, he said.

Hubs "are particularly important given the growing diversity of suburbs and the fact that millennials expect multimodal transit options in their communities," he said. "A holistic mobility hub provides access to public transit, cabs, bike share and other micro-transit options that help make transit more attractive and easier to navigate."

At 10:38 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

These aren't stairways in the vein of paths up hills etc. to improve access. The article is about hiking. But it's still interesting.

Best hidden Los Angeles staircases for working out

(use to read)

I never appreciated just how elevated we get around here until I began exploring L.A.'s most challenging staircase walks, as collated by Charles Fleming in his 2010 book “Secret Stairs: A Walking Guide to the Historic Staircases of Los Angeles.” (Fleming is a contributor to The Times.)

Fleming documented 42 looping stair walks around L.A., from the up-and-down neighborhoods of El Sereno to the ocean breezes of Pacific Palisades.

I chose 16 of the hardest of Fleming’s walks with up to 1,000 steps and lengths up to four
miles. I took friends with me on most of the hikes, women of about the same age and fitness
level. We did many of these walks on 90-plus-degree days, and there were times I was
sweating so much I felt like a liquid. Most of these routes, though, are shaded by mature
trees, so there is some respite from the sun.
Many of these stairs also have lights, but I don’t recommend taking these walks at night. For
one, you miss the architecture, and two, you’re so close to people’s homes, it feels a little
sketchy and unsafe to be a stranger in a strange neighborhood after dark.

I relied on my fellow walkers to help me answer the other big question: Were these walks
worth the time, gas and serious sweat to get there?

Answer: For the most part, absolutely! A few I would recommend only if you live nearby or
have to be in the area for some reason and have time to kill.

At 3:53 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

Delaware, a small state, has always treated their Dial A Ride service (for seniors/medical transportation) as a shared transit service for everyone.

Now they are adding app capabilities for scheduling, making it "like Uber."

Delaware is investing in an Uber-like form of public transit

At 12:44 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...


Revel pivots to EV infrastructure promotion. In mentioning Revel, I've been out of touch. Originally they were created to provide shared mopeds, first in NYC, then in other cities like Washington and Miami.

But they've dropped most cities, except for New York and San Francisco, and they've pivoted adding other electricity-based mobility services, electric cars functioning as taxis (Bollore tried this in Paris and other cities in North America and it wasn't sustainable), and installing high quality electric charging infrastructure.

At 5:24 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

Nice Ride, one of the earliest bike sharing programs, in Minneapolis, is going out of business, since its primary sponsor, Blue Cross, bailed.




At 10:05 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

Philly suburbs are getting Uber-like rideshare by SEPTA to fill suburban gaps in bus service

Nothing new. An example of the tertiary network. Now called microtransit.

At 4:37 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

How the Dutch Mastered Bike Parking at Train Stations
A decade ago, the Netherlands began building a national network of bicycle garages integrated with rail stations. Here’s how that investment has paid off.

Building these eye-popping facilities in Dutch cities required years of careful planning inspired by the profit motive as well as lofty aspirations to enliven public space and reduce car trips. Other countries — including the US — could learn a thing or two by studying how the Dutch pulled it off, and why.

As renowned as the Netherlands is for both its cycling and train networks, combining the two modes in a single trip used to be a dicey proposition. In the 1990s, those biking to a station faced a dilemma upon arrival. “At that time there was just a field of bike racks outside the station, so you could park and pray your bike was still there when you return from your train trip,” said Herbert Tiemens, Utrecht’s policy advisor for urban cycling. “Or you could go into the dungeons of a train station, where it was dark and dodgy and smelled of oil and grease.”

No one was happy with the status quo, including cyclists as well as redevelopment-minded city leaders. “A growing number of local authorities want to ban parked bikes from public spaces to add quality to the railway station area or to facilitate property development,” noted the 2021 Dutch history Bicycle Parking at Stations.

Dutch Railways, for its part, saw improved first- and last-mile connections as an urgent priority. “We really believed that bicycle parking was an essential link in the journey from going home to the destination,” said Rebecca van der Horst, the program manager for mobility services at the public-supported company (akin to Amtrak).

In 2012, the Dutch government published an “Action Plan for Bicycle Parking at Stations,” allotting €221 million toward implementation. Progress was swift: By 2019, some 96,000 parking spots had been added at rail stations, bringing the total to half a million, while many existing facilities had been overhauled. In 2020 the government allocated an additional €200 million to create another 100,000 spots by 2025.

Van der Horst said that 106 Dutch rail stations now offer secure bike parking garages, with half operated automatically and half staffed with attendants (among the latter category.

The rail station bike-parking experience is relatively consistent throughout the Netherlands: Upon arrival, a user swipes a chipcard — the same card that they use to board a train — and then secures their bike in an available slot (some garages provide electronic signage with real-time information about capacity in each row). Those with cargo bikes can lock them in a dedicated area with more space.

More than 30 stations, including those in Delft, Utrecht and Hilversum, also offer on-site repair shops, allowing riders to drop off their bike before catching a train and then collect it when they return. (If it’s not ready, they can get a loaner.) Van der Horst says that during the morning rush hour roughly three times as many passengers use their bike as a first-mile conveyance to the station than as a last-mile one, largely because it’s often easy to walk to final destinations after leaving the train.

-- continued --

At 4:38 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

-- continued --

Within its garages, Dutch Railways also offers rentals from the national bikeshare network OV-fiets. The bikeshare system is only available at train stations, allowing Dutch Railways to avoid the costs and operational challenges of rebalancing bikes throughout the day to meet shifting demand.

The first 24 hours of station bike storage are free; beyond that Dutch Railways charges €1.35 per day at a guarded station or €0.55-0.65 per day at one that operates automatically. Residents can also pay around €80 for an annual bike storage pass, which can be handy for those stashing a commuting bike over weekends and holidays. Passengers retrieving their bike scan their chipcard as they exit. Should a secured bike be stolen, Dutch Railways provides reimbursement of up to €750.

According to van der Horst, revenues from daily parking, yearly subscriptions and bikeshare rentals together come close to covering the cost of operating the bike parking facilities at stations. Dutch Railways and municipalities together cover any remaining gap.

Dutch Railways sees bike parking as a valuable loss leader that strengthens its bottom line. On its own, “bicycle parking itself isn’t a profitable business,” van der Horst said. “But passengers buy tickets, they buy coffee at the station. If you add such revenues together, it becomes profitable.”

Given the wild popularity of bicycling in Dutch society, the rail company’s parking investment is also a defensive response, in that it discourages riders from lugging bikes aboard packed trains. “We provide 1.1 million trips per day,” van der Horst said. “If 40% of passengers arrive by bike, and we no longer provide storage, we’d be transporting bikes up and down the country instead of people.”

The upgraded parking facilities appear to have boosted both train and cycle usage: According to van der Horst, rail passengers are now more than twice as likely to arrive by bike as they were two decades ago (and total train trips grew over that period, too). Better yet, cities like Utrecht and Amsterdam are reclaiming prime real estate in front of train stations to feature parks and mixed-use development, instead of long rows of parked bikes.

There's also a new book on bike parking at stations in the Netherlands, but it's in Dutch.

At 10:12 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

In Branson, Mo., a two-wheeled fix for the commuter blues

Elevate Branson provides services to the working poor, including a new program providing mopeds to assist people in getting to work from farther away locations.

Is based on a program that started in Memphis.

Stallings first heard about a scooter program for the poor in Memphis, Tennessee, where a
nonprofit called MyCityRides has put more than 450 working people on wheels. His fledgling
project in Branson, an extension of the Memphis project, had fewer than 20 participants as of
early June.

But he envisions scooters everywhere — a taste of Ho Chi Minh City in the Ozarks. Soon, he said, hundreds of temporary foreign workers will arrive, under the State Department’s J-1
visa program, filling jobs to meet the summer tourist crush.
Stallings plans to offer them
smaller scooters to rent for $50 per week.

Early adopting locals are already seeing benefits. A scooter owner named Ryan Booth, 31, lives 15 miles from his job at a place called Crazy Craig’s Cheeky Monkey Bar. “I’ve got an
old car that’s about to blow up on me at any point,” he said.
The workers are co-signers on their scooter loans along with Elevate Branson, making
payments of about $160 per month toward eventually owning the vehicles outright. The
nonprofit pays for scooter training, insurance, maintenance, repairs, a helmet and motorcycle jacket. At about $5 per day, Stallings said, it is a relative bargain, particularly compared with
a round-trip Uber ride.

At 11:13 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

Subscription car use service in Philadelphia has problems.

Ardmore car subscription service Go abruptly cancels 300+ customers and demands vehicles be returned in 10 days

Imagine driving your car for over a year and making payments, just to be told you have 10 days to give it back. Hundreds of Go customers are scrambling after getting an unexpected letter from the Ardmore-based company. The long-term vehicle subscriptions were cheaper than buying or leasing and it was supposed to last for three years. The deal may have been too good to be true, and some customers are fighting back

At 6:50 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

Pedicabs need to be regulated and aren't really transportation, but scams.

Tourist charged £450 by London pedicab driver for short ride


At 1:49 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

Uber and Lyft drivers in Mass. earn subminimum wage, report finds

The study, based on third-party data from one million ride-hail trips in the state from June
2022 to July 2023, found that nearly three of five drivers made less than $15 an hour — the
state minimum wage for hourly employees — and that half of ride-hail earnings were taken
up by expenses such as gas and vehicle maintenance. In Greater Boston, 53 percent of time
that ride-hail drivers spent working was spent without a passenger in the car, and therefore unpaid, much of it moving between pickups or repositioning themselves to meet customer demand.

At 4:07 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

NYC DOT to Launch Initiative to Cut Down on Package Thefts and Reduce Negative Environmental and Safety Impacts of Truck Deliveries


GoLocker will pay about $500,000 to install the 15 locker sites on sidewalks and to put 15 more inside retail stores. The company, which already operates indoor package lockers around the city — including at laundromats, a bagel shop and a plant nursery — plans to charge shipping carriers to use the lockers.

The locker program is the city’s latest effort to address the growing number of delivery trucks choking New York’s streets, especially after pandemic-fueled boom in online shopping. The increase in truck traffic has worsened gridlock and air pollution, raised costs for businesses and made the streets less safe for pedestrians and cyclists, according to traffic and freight experts.

... While package lockers are not new, they have typically been used by private companies like Amazon and shipping carriers to serve their own customers. But a growing number of shared public package lockers are sprouting up in cities like London, Paris, and Tokyo as a more efficient, sustainable alternative to home deliveries.

One locker operator, Quadient, has thousands of locker sites at transit stations, supermarkets, pharmacies and other public spaces. The company has 7,000 sites in Japan, 4,500 of them in Tokyo. The company has a combined 1,500 public locker sites in France and the United Kingdom and is adding 5,000 more in the United Kingdom.

At 4:12 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

Scooter pass for Superpedestrian/Link in Los Angeles is very cheap. $30 for 30 rides

From Reddit.

I think this is a huge area of improvement for LA, on the buses. The buses are very infrequent and so if you miss the connection because your train is a few minutes behind, you're waiting another 40 minutes. I think they should have more of the DASH type bus that the DOT operates, they're free buses that just run on a continuous loop and show up once every 5 minutes or so. If they'd have them pick up by the metro stops it would really be amazing.

But, I do have to give credit to LA for doing a lot with bikes/scooters and transit stops. With my scooter pass ($30 for 30 rides), I can ride free for 10 minutes per session, and so coming up from the subway and then having a scooter right there basically makes all of DTLA convenient to a metro stop. Same benefits from the metro bikes.

At 1:42 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

The LA MTA Metro Micro micromobility service costs $42 per ride on average.

Metro’s ride-hailing, on-demand, e-taxi program — the most costly service per ride offered by the Los Angeles County transit agency — faces some significant changes, including a big fare hike, possible service area cutbacks and even elimination.

LA Metro’s MicroTransit runs nine-seat blue vans that pick up individuals at their location and drop them off at the rider’s designated spot, all short rides within limited zones. The flexible service can be ordered using an app on a smartphone, from the agency’s website, or by dialing up a ride — similar to what private, for-profit companies such as Lyft and Uber offer — but Metro service offers it at substantially lower rates.

Metro Micro costs the transit agency $42 per ride, for a total of about $31 million annually, according to Metro. In comparison, Metro subsidizes its buses at about $8 per ride and its bus riders make up 80% of about 950,000 total weekday boardings across the system.

While many people have never heard of Metro Micro, it has been operating for three years and covers 165 square miles in 27 cities and 12 unincorporated county areas. It serves eight zones including North San Fernando Valley; North Hollywood/Burbank; Highland Park/Eagle Rock/Glendale; Pasadena/Altadena/Sierra Madre; El Monte; UCLA/Westwood; LAX/Inglewood; and Watts/Compton.

... Metro has kept the Micro fare at $1 — an introductory price that was supposed to run out. The general fare on a fixed-route bus, or on Metro rail, is $1.75.

On the table is a rate change to $2.50 per ride. The staff proposal keeps the fare at $1 for customers with student and senior/disabled TAP cards. Those in the Low Income Fares is Easy (LIFE) program could ride at a discount and use their allotment of free rides on Metro Micro. Transfers from the e-ride service to Metro bus and rail would be free.

... The MicroTransit program is intended to provide rides to connect people to other Metro services, but it is also used as a dial-a-ride service to go directly to shopping, to doctor’s appointments and other activities.


The total cost of the program is $31 million a year. Metro started with two zones in December 2020 and gradually amped up to eight. The zones were chosen where bus service was cut due to low-performing routes. The pilot MicroTransit program is intended to provide rides to connect people to other Metro services but it is also used as a dial-a-ride service to go shopping, go to doctor’s appointments or other destinations.

Whites/Caucasians make up 28% of MicroTransit riders, and make up 12% of Metro’s overall ridership. Metro looked at income levels and found riders earning under $15,000 or less accounted for 19% in MicroTransit, compared to nearly 40% in overall Metro ridership. About 80% of Metro bus riders are low-income.

At 2:04 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

LA Metro intends to award the Metro Bike Share contract to Lyft on January 25, 2024.

LAFed is backing Bike Transit -
, a union-operated, 100% privately-owned, LGBTQ, women-owned business who have overseen the build out of Metro Bike Share. LA needs Metro to focus on saving equitable public transit, not propping up a failing, car-centric, anti-union company. What do you think?

At 10:33 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

More on LA MTA and Lyft. From Reddit:

This is a misleading to the point of being factually wrong. The contract to operate and maintain the bike share program is up. Lyft bid to operate and came in substantially cheaper (20-30%) than the one other bid. Metro will retain pricing powers, look and feel of the bikes, branding, etc.

It’ll look like NYC’s Citi Bike. Lyft is the operator of that program.

Some big things to be excited about for Lyft being the provider: 1) 75% of the fleet will be e-bikes, 2) 100 of the docking stations will charge the bikes, no need for labor intensive swapping of batteries, 3) it’ll be much cheaper to operate, so there’s more interest from neighboring jurisdictions to join the program, and 4) Lyft will offer positions to all of the current union workers.

I don’t care to support Lyft and wish it was a small, local business. But 20-30% cheaper is significant, especially when the funding for the bike share program comes out of the bus/rail operating budget and the Agency is approaching a $1-1.5B deficit.

At 3:11 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

Man invents sidecar for bike!

Person creates an add on "hook" that works on Lime Bike e-bikes so he can attach a shopping cart to the bike, and ride home (from Walmart).

At 8:46 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

Electric Scooters Are Choking Oil’s Boom Market
The three-wheel auto-rickshaw sector is electrifying rapidly due to lower fueling costs. Motorbikes are next.

he place where road transport is shifting most rapidly to battery power isn’t Oslo or Shenzhen, but Delhi. E-rickshaws took a 54% share of India’s three-wheeler market last year, driven by zippy, longer-range models and running costs that are a fraction of petroleum-powered alternatives.

There’s no mystery why e-rickshaws have been taking over. Buy a Bajaj Maxima with an engine and you’ll pay about three rupees per kilometer (5.8 cents per mile) for diesel — a significant slice of earnings that average out around 10 rupees per kilometer. A Piaggio Ape E City with a lithium-ion battery charged at home, on the other hand, might cost just 0.27 rupees per kilometer. As a result, e-rickshaws aren’t just cleaner and quieter — they’re more profitable, too. That’s a decisive consideration for drivers who are usually rural migrants trying to get a foothold in the big city.

However, the hard financial logic that’s caused e-rickshaws to take over is starting to play out on two wheels, too. Manufacturers are currently launching a slew of new models with price tags and performance to compete with conventional bikes and scooters that retail for less than 100,000 rupees ($1,200). With gasoline prices up about a third thanks to the rise in crude since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, that could spark a stampede like the one that transformed the e-rickshaw market. Only about 5% of two-wheelers sold last year were battery-powered. McKinsey & Co. forecasts that figure will hit 60% to 70% by 2030.

At 12:34 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

Mother of 5 dies after e-scooter accident, family calling on city to make sideway repairs


The family of a woman who died after hitting her head while riding an e-scooter in downtown Salt Lake City is calling on officials to repair sidewalks.

Gonzales said Peck hit a buckle in the sidewalk. He said doctors estimated she flew 10 to 15 feet in the air, before hitting the ground and hitting her head.

Salt Lake City ordinances state everyone on e-scooters or bikes must ride in the bicycle or travel lanes. Riding on sidewalks is not allowed.

At 11:39 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

Irvine has a free shuttle. Tertiary network.

Plus all the electric shuttles.

At 12:58 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

8 years into America's e-scooter experiment, what have we learned?

A recent survey of the latest research questioned whether the sharing economy is inherently sustainable, including a particular look at e-scooters. The survey found many researchers were repeatedly concerned with the question: “If riders hadn’t rented a scooter, how would they have gotten to their destination?” If someone would have walked instead of ridden, that person increased the emissions associated with that trip. But several studies, including one by the Portland Bureau of Transportation and another, funded by Lime, by a German research institute, have found that though anywhere from a third to well over half of scooter users would have walked instead, enough other trips that would have been taken by car were not. Shared scooters, on the whole, help reduce overall transportation emissions — often preventing 20 grams of CO2 emissions per mile ridden on a scooter.


The sharing economy is not always greener: a review and consolidation of empirical evidence

Environmental Research Letters

The digital sharing economy is commonly seen as a promising circular consumption model that could potentially deliver environmental benefits through more efficient use of existing product stocks. Yet whether sharing is indeed more environmentally benign than prevalent consumption models and what features shape platforms' sustainability remains unclear. To address this knowledge gap, we conduct a systematic literature review of empirical peer reviewed and conference proceeding publications. We screen over 2200 papers and compile a dataset of 155 empirical papers, and consolidate reported results on the environmental impacts of the sharing economy. We find that sharing is not inherently better from an environmental perspective. The type of resource shared, logistic operations, and the ways in which sharing influences users' consumption more broadly affect environmental outcomes. Sharing goods is generally associated with better environmental outcomes compared to shared accommodations or mobility. Within mobility, shared scooters and ride-hailing emerge as particularly prone to negative environmental outcomes. Contrary to previous suggestions, peer-to-peer sharing (vs. centralized ownership) does not seem to be a good proxy for environmental performance. As sharing becomes intertwined with urbanization, efforts to steer digital sharing towards environmental sustainability should consider system levels effects and take into account platform operations as well as potential changes in consumer behavior.

At 10:09 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

How Uber Stock Got Back In The Fast Lane


Building a platform, bought Postmates.

UberOne, loyalty program. Free food delivery, some benefits for ride hailing.

DoorDash 65% of market, UberEats 23%.

74% of ride hailing, Lyft 26%

UK, also can book airline flights.

At 7:44 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

Can Microtransit and Regular Buses Live in Harmony?

Lots of subsidy required. But it does extend access.

Elliott’s concerns highlight an inherent challenge for microtransit. Bus systems can accommodate significant increases in demand with their existing vehicle fleets, which can carry dozens of riders at a time. But adding riders to a microtransit system typically requires purchasing more vehicles, hiring more drivers and covering a lot more miles.

But Lessellyoung, who uses a wheelchair, is concerned that SAM on Demand may be degrading paratransit service. Over the past month, several of his regular, pre-scheduled paratransit rides have been late — something that rarely used to happen, he said. Since paratransit and microtransit now share some vehicles and drivers, it feels to Lessellyoung like “paratransit is being put on the back burner.” When he raised this concern with Via, they assured him that wasn’t the case.

“One of the ways that we’re hoping to restore growth is through introducing technology and a far more modern service,” said Ramot. “It’s very easy, through the app, to discover when the bus is coming and where it’s going. You don't need to have a Ph.D.”

Via’s aggressive marketing and high-tech sheen has, at the very least, put transit on more people’s radar. “There’s actual public excitement around public transit, and that’s just not happened in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, before,” TenHaken said. “People are rethinking about public transit as a mode of transportation in our community, when maybe they had written it off previously.”

Amalgamated Transit Union

At 7:50 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

What Do US Vehicle Regulators Have Against Tiny Cars?
Super-small urban vehicles have found a place in European and Asian cities. But in the US, federal and state rulemakers seem determined to keep minicars at bay.

US vehicle regulators have provided less flexibility. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, a division of the Department of Transportation, requires new cars sold in the US to adhere to the exhaustive Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, which cover everything from windshields to seat belts. Unlike Europe, NHTSA has established only one category for smaller four-wheeled cars that can’t meet those safety standards: Low-Speed Vehicles (LSV), which are capped at just 25 mph. At the state level, departments of motor vehicles generally require vehicles to be classified as either an automobile or LSV to receive the registration that permits them to be legally operated on public roads. (In 2016 the federal government did create an exception for “autocycles,” three-wheeled machines that are generally treated as motorcycles.)

The rigidity of NHTSA categorizations for four-wheeled vehicles — car, LSV, or nothing — leaves little space for many minicars that are popular abroad. Outside the US, most minicars can exceed the 25-mph LSV maximum, and they typically lack the airbags and other costly safety equipment required to meet federal crash standards. (A rare exception, the Smart ForTwo, left the US market in 2019.) In 2008, NHTSA rejected a petition to create a new category of “medium speed vehicles” traveling at up to 35 mph, which would have accommodated many of the quadricycles popular in Europe.

Minicar makers could still sell their models in the US if they cap their speed at 25 mph, a move that makers of the Microlino and Ami have signaled might be in the works. But doing so hampers the vehicles’ usefulness and potentially their safety, particularly on wider streets where bigger and heavier cars are moving far faster.

The US does offer a workaround for die-hard minicar fans. According to the Vehicle Safety Compliance Act of 1988, foreign vehicles that are more than 25 years old can be legally imported to the US without complying with federal safety standards. That policy is designed to keep unsafe and polluting models out of the country, while still allowing hobbyists to acquire “vintage” models for their collections.

At 11:35 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

Don’t Shrink the Bus
Could Tesla’s Cybercab and similar smaller vehicles replace traditional trains and buses? Unfortunately, the idea of “personal rapid transit” has some big drawbacks.

Elon Musk, who once said that “public transport is painful, it sucks,” unveiled a concept for an autonomous “Cybercab” in October — the Tesla CEO’s latest take on what he’s called “individualized mass transit.” Each vehicle will have just two seats. The Vegas Loop, an earlier Musk-inspired, transit-like venture built by the Boring Company, deploys a fleet of human-driven Tesla cars (maximum passengers: three) in an underground tunnel beneath the Las Vegas Convention Center. Meanwhile, leaders of US cities like Atlanta and Arlington, Virginia, have envisioned fleets of little vehicles — typically autonomous shuttles or aerial gondolas — that whisk people to and from major destinations in near-privacy, without a moment lost to gridlock.

Terrible or not, there are reasons that public transportation revolves around vehicles that can simultaneously transport dozens if not hundreds of passengers. Enticing though downsized conveyances might seem, they sacrifice immutable and substantial advantages — in efficiency as well as practicality — that result from going big.

Small-scale mass transportation is not a new concept. In the 1960s and ’70s, “personal rapid transit” — individual pods, each with four or six seats, traveling on dedicated guideways to select destinations — seemed like an antidote to creaky public transportation networks that were in decline nationwide. Compared to a familiar bus, PRT promised greater privacy, fewer delays and faster journeys (largely due to the elimination of cross traffic). Because they were designed to accommodate only a few passengers at a time, PRT pods avoided the rows of empty bus seats that indicate inefficiency to many casual observers (although not to transit professionals who note that many buses half-empty at noon will be full during the afternoon rush).

A plethora of other companies also offer transportation systems that, like the PRT systems of yore, move only a few people at a time.

Compared to autonomous pods or gondolas, American cities have far more experience with microtransit — and the results have been dubious at best. Moving passengers in a small vehicle may look efficient (“fewer empty seats!”) but providing the service can be astronomically expensive. Frank White, the leader of Kansas City’s transit agency, told me recently that the average per-passenger subsidy of the city’s microtransit program was ten times higher than for its fixed-route buses.

To be fair, some of microtransit’s high costs result from its on-demand structure, but much of it is due to the inherent inefficiency of small vehicles. A transit agency incurs barely any added expense when a third, twelfth, or fiftieth passenger boards a full-sized bus, but it must deploy a new van as soon as all of its handful of seats are occupied. Lower capacity increases a service’s capital costs (the vehicles that must be procured) as well its operating costs (expenses like staff, fuel, and maintenance). In economic terms, a bus offers economies of scale, while microtransit —like other mobility innovations reliant on small vehicles — does not.

At 11:38 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

Enjoy the lines at Disneyland? You’ll love Elon Musk’s idea for transit

Have you ever tried to drive out of Dodger Stadium and waited an hour to get to the freeway? Have you ever stood in an interminably long line for the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland? Congratulations: You’ve had a preview of the bottleneck joys of Loop, Elon Musk’s idea for an underground “personal rapid transit” system.

Last week, Musk spent a night in Bel-Air explaining his grand PRT project to relieve the city’s traffic congestion. Instead of a mass transit system like a subway, PRT is individualized — you get in a small car and are taken directly to your destination, making no other stops along the way. In Musk’s version, an elevator would lower your personal car into the tunnel, or you could get in a Loop “pod” for 8-16 people, and be zipped underneath Los Angeles for $1 a ride. Musk theorized a trip from Dodger Stadium to LAX would take 10 minutes.

If the Loop has too few stops, the result is an inefficient, relatively useless subway.

If the Loop has too many stops, Musk has reinvented the slow highway, with numerous on- and off-ramps having to be accommodated. Musk seems to think he’ll solve this with tracks on multiple levels. But if more than a few cars enter or exit at a particular station at once, you’ll eventually get a snarl. It’s amusing and revealing that the artist’s rendering of Loop features just seven people waiting for the Loop pod and a six-lane street devoid of cars. That’s really lifelike, isn’t it?

At rush hour, when large numbers of people are trying to move around simultaneously, a PRT system would lead to massive jams both at the point of entry and exit, and in the tunnels themselves. It’s a simple problem of mass. Just as a lack of volume creates traffic above ground, the same problem will happen below.

At 12:17 AM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

I’ve spent a year pushing a baby stroller around Toronto. Here’s what I’ve learned


But once you do something yourself, the details and, most importantly, the challenges are viscerally known. It’s a reminder that when judging how anything is designed, including the city itself, we need to hear from all the people who actually use it in different ways.

When the stroller was converted to an upright seat, the baby started facing outwards and began a relationship with the world, making friends with those smiling people passing by. Some do smile at me too, of course, but one mom friend says it’s because they’re just happy a man is pushing a baby around. That seems a bit cynical, but there’s probably some truth to it.

Until I started pushing the stroller I rarely went into the children’s zones in parks. But now it’s like having a passport to all kinds of new geography in the city, a visa that lets you pass through the gates without causing alarm.

A stroller is also a rolling coat rack and can carry packages like a “granny cart” or shopping trolley. Ours is somewhat slender but manages to carry a fair bit, including up to two bottles of wine from the LCBO, though sliding them under the baby at the checkout feels, in Ontario’s great puritanical tradition, a bit degenerate.

The stroller can also be weaponized when dealing with bad Toronto drivers. Any pedestrian in the city knows to be alert for drivers making deadly turns or the precarious feeling of crossing legally and having an impatient driver slowly creep towards you.

Like anyone who uses a mobility device, we are keenly aware of sidewalk clearing in the winter. We have discovered—as a friend who uses a wheelchair told me some years ago—that oversalting is as much a problem as not clearing snow as the piles of it are difficult to roll through, clogging up the wheels. There’s a correct amount to melt ice, and it isn’t much. Downtown we like to take quiet back routes like laneways, but they are often not cleared of snow.

One thinks and looks many metres, even kilometres, ahead while pushing a stroller, watching for stairs and lips that we were ignorantly oblivious to before. Where are the public washrooms? More importantly, public washrooms with change tables. Diapers have been changed on slivers of sink counters, ledges and even floors.

Places like the AGO and ROM become not just venues to see art and exhibits, but big indoor places to spend some time away from the heat or cold, to find ample change tables and places where kids can roam a little free, safely. Those kid zones really matter.

One revelation is it’s often better not to use the car. There’s a sentiment that you need a car to have a kid, and while it has been useful for longer trips and carrying bigger items, on day-to-day jaunts the car becomes an albatross, a thing to park and deal with but also requiring more stuff: a stroller and a car seat.


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