
Tuesday, July 04, 2017

Happy Fourth?

This promotional video by the National Rifle Association is pretty scary. "The clenched fist of truth" they're advocating is likely holding a gun.

-- U.S. Constitution, Annotated, New York Times


  1. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Gun Porn.

  2. Seems like a pretty accurate description of the current state of affairs.

  3. Anonymous7:54 PM

    After the inevitable impeachment, incidents like Comet Ping Pong will become more frequent. The right wing base is nuts, and well armed. A lot of them will be coming to cities to off some liberals in retaliation for the perceived overthrow of the dear leader. I'm a middle of the road boring guy not prone to hyberbole, but I am fearful there might be civil unrest in the coming years.
