Opening doors isn't enough, you need to know where to go (more about tourism)

The Washington Post today reports on the lack of directional signage within the subway system--signage useful in directing people around thearea outside of the station. The Post's article, "Welcome to Washington, And Now You're on Your Own: Minimalist Metro Decor Makes Life Tough for Out-of-Towners," mentions that changes are coming but that WMATA hasn't allocated money for the changes.
(The Examiner's "Sprawl and Crawl" column today discusses a new service called HopStop that is supposed to "give walkers as well as bus and rail passengers information on getting around time." The article is online in the pdf version, but not in the searchable text version.)
This is another example of why I wonder about how DC tourism tax monies are allocated and spent. One of these days I am going to delve more into the nitty-gritty of the data.
Hotel, parking, and part of restaurant sales taxes goes to pay for the Convention Center, but these monies should also be used to support developing and improving the tourist experience--which also helps those of us that live here. I think it's important that WMATA be part of this discussion, but maybe they shouldn't have to pay for improved signage in "legacy" stations, while committing to creating better signage for stations that open in the future.
I have been meaning to write more about this again, because of Monday's Post story on tourism in Virginia and Maryland piggybacking on and competing against Washington, DC proper (which is one of the reasons that I think that the WCTC website should only promote DC attractions). That article, "From Beyond the District, A Louder Call for Tourists," is necessary reading for people concerned about marketing Washington's cultural heritage, particularly the local story rather than the National Experience centered around the federal government. (I still shudder thinking about the Montgomery County tourism campaign "Washington Days, Maryland Nights," which aims to attract rooming nights and tourists to Maryland for spending the big money.)
Today's Examiner also has a story about the City of Alexandria (which has a great website by the way, much cleaner looking than DC's) and how the various stakeholders in Old Town want to create a BID to better maintain and improve their central business district. See "Old Town made new? Group seeks to revitalize historic district."
And also, see this AP article, "Southern heritage tourism luring a growing market of black Americans."
As I always say, to stay the same is to fall behind, because your best competitors continue to move forward.
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