Meeting Tonite! City Seeks Community Input on Old Convention Center Site Master Plan
(Reprinted from 10/31 blog)

In a blog entry in June, "Old Convention Center Site--Chicago offers something to think about," I offered the idea of just putting a park there. OTOH, I know that two squares there (AND NOTE, the Section 106 agreement with regard to MCI Center requires that 10th Street NW be restored on the Old Convention Center site) are worth upwards of $1.5 billion fully developed, so it's not too likely that my idea would go anywhere.

Also see this article, "Chicago hits this one out of the park: There's something for everyone at the beautiful, civilized Millennium," from yesterday's Boston Globe.
On Tuesday, November 8 The Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development in partnership with Hines/Archstone-Smith will host The Old Convention Center Site: Masterplan Alternatives for a New Downtown Neighborhood, the first community workshop to solicit input into the master planning for the city's Old Convention Center Site.
After an initial project overview, participants will visit stations organized by issues. These stations will provide information on affordable housing, jobs, traffic, parking, open space, retail, the new central library project, green building and environmental issues, as well as alternatives for the overall layout of the site.
WHO: Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development
Hines/Archstone-Smith [Developer]
Foster & Partners, Shalom Baranes Associates [Architects]
WHAT: Community Design Workshop
WHEN Tuesday, November 8, 2005
6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
WHERE: Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Library
901 G Street NW
Washington, DC
For More Information, call Konrad Schlater at 202.727.6365

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