Double parking and streetcars

Is a question some people have raised in terms of bringing streetcar transit back to Washington. So I sent a query to David Cohen, director of the Girard Coalition in Philadelphia. Streetcar service restarted on Girard last fall. This is what he wrote:
Blocking the trolley is not that large of a problem. The fine is $100. SEPTA supervisors can issue tickets in addition to our parking authority and police. Towing also occurs. The street layout on Girard Ave. does not lend itself to that much double parking on the west side where the street is narrow. In sections where there is only one lane of traffic in each direction with trolley tracks in both of those lanes, few drivers will double park as they are taking up the only driving lane in a direction by double parking. In other locations the tracks are not impacted by double parking, as there are the equivalent of three lanes in each direction with the trolleys taking the middle lanes. There was also an educational program before the trolleys started running again. The biggest problems are vehicles that park too close to where the trolley makes turns, where drivers park too far from the curb, and where drivers open their doors without looking to see what is coming down the street.
Hmm. I was thinking a $500 fine would be good...
Also see "Streetcars Making a Vigorous Comeback" and "Saluting the Streetcars" both by Paul Weyrich.
Index Keywords: transit
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