National Main Street conference in New Orleans

Finally, the National Main Street Center has put up information about the upcoming town meeting in New Orleans. The meeting was supposed to be next month, but has been pushed back to June from the 4th to the 7th, because of the trauma.
I was thinking of not going, but now I think I will, because I wouldn't likely see the "current conditions" otherwise.
The conference schedule seems to be heavily weighted towards the promotion of cultural heritage tourism. It dovetails nicely with the recent conference on Civic Tourism.
And the day before and the day after the conference, they've set it up so that people can volunteer and contribute "time and talent" to rebuilding--Home Clean Out Volunteer Work Trips. Again, it's not something I'd likely do otherwise...

Flickr has more than 80,000 photos tagged New Orleans and more than 70,000 tagged Katrina.
Index Keywords: retail; tourism
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