Rebuilding Place in the Urban Space

"A community’s physical form, rather than its land uses, is its most intrinsic and enduring characteristic." [Katz, EPA] This blog focuses on place and placemaking and all that makes it work--historic preservation, urban design, transportation, asset-based community development, arts & cultural development, commercial district revitalization, tourism & destination development, and quality of life advocacy--along with doses of civic engagement and good governance watchdogging.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

It's the season

It's the season
Originally uploaded by rllayman.
Outside Jefferson Junior High School, 801 7th Street SW, Washington, DC.

Well last night was a Ward 6 Democrat Campaign forum for the at-large and Council Chair seats. Vince Gray, the candidate for Council Chair, and Scott Bolden, the candidate for an at-large Council seat, bussed in lots of senior citizens (a tried and true strategy relied upon for many years by Marion Barry, who popped in to the forum as well) and this paid off. Gray trounced Patterson, and Bolden eeked out a bare win over Phil Mendelson.

I thought Mendelson did a much better job on the dais (although he could be more pithy--then again, so could I...) but needs to go for the jugular a bit more to define the true differences between the candidates. One candidate (Bolden) enjoys the wholehearted support from the traditional developer community. The other candidate (Mendelson) does not.

That says something about who beneifts...

Anyway, I thought this was a good showing, especially given that there are 3.5 months til the primary.


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