(Why aren't people) Learning from Jane Jacobs revisited

Last July, I wrote this entry, "(Why Aren't People) Learning From Jane Jacobs" in response to something that Michele Dyson wrote in the Post about National Harbor and making it more like Las Ramblas in Barcelona.

Well, everything in that piece is relevant to the ongoing discussion about revitalization vs. redevelopment and authenticity vs. a focus on the attraction of retail chains. Silver Spring Singular linked to a story in the Gazette about this verysame issue in Silver Spring, which we discussed earlier in the week. See "Owners of niche shops downtown getting priced out: Being a part of the redevelopment in Silver Spring has its cost, many now say."

ALL I CAN SAY IS read Jane Jacobs, read the writings about the "economic restructuring" point of the Main Street approach. The problem is that the improvement in the real estate market for property owners is somewhat disconnected from improvements in the market for retail and service store proprietors. Rents go up in advance of business increases. And property tax increases lead to rent increases even though business could in fact be declining.
Rents have to be a function of market reality, of what businesses generate in revenue. Unfortunately, as our commercial districts become a part of the national and even international real estate market, local businesses get priced out.
As regular readers know, I have testified about the issues of property tax valuation methods in traditional commercial districts. Those new to the issue might want to check back to this analysis, which I figured out through some pretty careful analysis of what's happening in various commercial districts around the city. See:
-- Testimony -- Historic Neighborhood Retail Business Property Tax Relief Act.
Index Keywords: urban-revitalization
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