The "Downtown" Circulator and Rosslyn, Virginia

The "K Street" Downtown Circulator bus route to Georgetown is part of the proposed cross-town streetcar route that would start at Minnesota Avenue and go west on Benning Road and H Street NE, connecting to Union Station, and providing service to the Convention Center and downtown, and then routing up K Street (and then M Street) to Georgetown.

Back in the streetcar days, this was the old 10/12 streetcar route, which went up through Georgetown, crossed the Key Bridge and did a turn around loop in Rosslyn.

Given the tunnel capacity issue for the blue and orange lines, I wonder if this kind of route extension to Rosslyn ought to be considered at some point for the streetcar and/or the Downtown Circulator, even sooner?
The DC Streetcar planning project is focused on transit strictly within the borders of DC proper (with the exception of proposals to run a streetcar line on Georgia Avenue that would cross the DC-Maryland state line and terminate at the Silver Spring Metro Station in Maryland. But maybe we need to be a little more broad minded...
As far as a streetcar is concerned, extending the line across the Key Bridge to Rosslyn would add a form of redundancy to the Blue and Orange lines (which desperately need more tracking capacity within the downtown DC core), and provide an alternative (not a replacement) for getting across the Potomac River.
If you ask me, adding under-river tunnel capacity should be included as part of the Dulles Corridor subway expansion project, which is thought of as a primarily Virginia project. But thinking in such constrained fashion is a mistake, as you can't add more trains and riders to a known capacity choke point (the Rosslyn-DC tunnel) without having "service degradation." And what if something happens to either the Yellow Line bridge over the Potomac, or the Blue-Orange Line tunnel?

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