More great bike stuff from Washcycle

1. Excellent commentary about wayfinding.
2. And a good catch of a story on bicycle commuting in Governing Magazine. And speaking of the story, "Pedal Pushers," I have to say that I think this is a pretty good idea if I say so myself (from one of my blog entries from the weekend) but it was inspired by all the great entries at Washcycle:
Plus, perhaps with the suasion possibilities of the DC Government "pedestrian, bicycling, and transportation demand management program," maybe the: (1) YMCA at Rhode Island Avenue and 17th Street NW; (2) the YWCA downtown at G and 9th Streets NW (Gallery Place Fitness Center); and (3) the DC Jewish Community Center at 16th and Q Streets NW could be convinced to develop a kind of "bicyclist-only" membership providing bicyclist-commuters with the ability to have lockers and shower privileges.It's a way to utilize facilities at times they are unlikely to be used, plus each of these institutions can make more money.

Index Keywords: bicycling; wayfinding
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