Pedestrians of the City--Unite!

Chicago has initiated a pedestrian protection program, if this Chicago Tribune article, "Arrogant drivers best look both ways: Officers, cameras will be on lookout to protect pedestrians," is to be believed. (Also see Chicago Walks, the website for the City of Chicago's pedestrian programs.)

Zvi Leve writes:
It annoys me no end that the enforcement component of "pedestrian safety" week here in Montreal inevitably tends to focus on getting pedestrians to better respect the rules of the road, as opposed to trying to go after "arrogant drivers". It is much easier to give a jay-walking pedestrian a ticket than a speeding car.... referencing this article from Maisonneuve, "The Truth about Jaywalking: Besides Being Dangerous, is there a Silver Lining to Pedestrians' Unruly Habits?" (registration required for access).
Among other things the article references the Toronto Pedestrian Committee, which:
works for improved pedestrian safety and better pedestrian access to public transit, schools, workplaces, shops, libraries, community centres, parks, including roads and other public spaces.
Terms of reference
Meeting information
Toronto Pedestrian Charter.
We should work to create such a committee as one of the outcomes of the DC Pedestrian Master Plan process.

Index Keywords: walking; mobility; car-culture
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