WMATA does need a top to bottom cost review

Today's Post reports, in "Metro Freezes Hiring in Many Areas to Shore Up Budget," that Councilmember Jim Graham's admonitions have already had impact, and the system is considering retaining a consultant team to review costs and procedures.
It needs to be creative, and it would be useful to empower some citizen teams to do the same.
For example, I don't think at 5:45 pm on a Saturday, that the Capitol South Metro station needs to have two up escalators running. But I don't think you need consultants to tell you that.
Plus, even though a couple months ago there was push-back about the idea of converting some escalators to steps, there is no question that in some stations, especially Union Station, that throughput can be enhanced by considering this selectively.
And while I have heard at least one complaint about the proposal to shut down the 98 bus line (the Adams Morgan-U Street Link, by way of Woodley Park and the U Street subway stations), this line is completely duplicated by the other 90s buses, and has hardly any ridership...
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