Promoting preservation on stamps and license plates

1. I don't like promoting automobility, but this is a good idea. According to "Tag targets historic preservation," from the Macon News-Telegraph:
You can help save Georgia's special places by supporting historic preservation through the purchase of a unique state license plate for your auto. Proceeds from sales of the specialty tag benefit the Georgia Heritage Grants Program, which was established during the 1994 legislative session to initiate appropriations for grant funding for the preservation of Georgia's historic properties.
The heritage program offers seed money in the form of matching funds on a statewide competitive basis to local governments and non-profit organizations for the preservation of Georgia Register-eligible historic sites.
The specialty license plate was authorized by the 2005 Georgia General Assembly and may be purchased for $25. The fees will be distributed with $1 going to the county tag office, $2 to the Georgia Department of Revenue and the balance of $22 going to the Georgia Department of Natural Resources's Historic Preservation Division to fund the preservation programs.
2. A few years ago, I suggested to the National Trust for Historic Preservation and Preservation Action that they promote providing additional funds to historic preservation by getting Congress to authorize a "semipostal" stamp comparable to the Breast Cancer stamp, which costs 7 cents more than a regular first class stamp, with the difference being a donation to related research programs. (See this fact sheet for info on the Breast Cancer stamp and research program. Also see this press release from Sen. Dianne Feinstein, sponsor of the bill.)
And like the license plate, it's something that is seen.
(Also see this blog entry from June 2005, "A fundraising idea for the Federal Historic Preservation Fund.")

Index Keywords: historic-preservation
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