The inalienable privilege to buy a 40...

"That is most illogical, Captain."
The City Paper has an excellent article, "Take It Inside: Authorities target outdoor drinking on a booming stretch of H Street," about a proposed moratorium on the sales of "singles" at neighborhood Class A and B licensed establishments.
But I have to say I love the delicious illogic of this quote:
At the Red & the Black, patron Simon van Steÿn said, “I don’t like to see the footprint of gentrification making a dent on how people have lived here for so long.” Van Steÿn, who was drinking a whiskey (“I bought it here. I didn’t bring it in.”) says he could envision himself being a victim of the proposed moratorium. “The worst thing is that it could affect me one night if the crowd at the Rock and Roll Hotel was too big and the price was too exorbitant and I wanted a drink. I’d be cursing the city.”
So he's gonna go buy something at a local convenience store and stand outside and drink it, tossing the empty on the street, and then pissing in a bus shelter or some other public place?
A couple previous entries on this topic:
-- Report on London's night time economy
-- Creating the "new new" thing: commercial district revitalization
-- Think police equines for nightlife crowd control
-- Does a restaurant selling alcohol create a pernicious environment ...
Index Keywords: quality-of-life-advocacy
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