Think police equines for nightlife crowd control
The Washington Times reports, in "Adams Morgan on watch" that local merchants in Adams-Morgan are seeking to hire security-"ambassador" personnel to augment street security presence during late night "datparts," in part because the DC police department can't provide as many officers as the area probably needs. (This is associated with the creation of the Adams-Morgan Business Improvement District.)
I think the solution might be to have mounted police patrols from say 11 p.m. to 3 a.m. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, both in Adams-Morgan on 18th Street and Columbia Roads, and on U Street as well.

Police departments argue that horse patrols are effective in crowded areas and provide a more easy-going way to interact with people who might otherwise be unruly.

I think it's worth considering for these highly crowded inebriated late night "last call" situations.

Index Keywords: public-safety
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