(Houston) City appoints members to newly formed parking commission

according to this article from the Houston Business Journal. Yet, the more I think about this the more I think that communities need to create "Mobility Commissions," where parking is but one aspect of the overall transportation-mobility agenda. "Parking commissions" are likely to focus only on parking. And parking is for cars. From the article:
According to Mayor Bill White's office, the commission's main goal will be to direct the city's Parking Management department in resolving parking issues. The group will also recommend parking-related ordinances and capital improvement projects to city council; gather and review data relating to the city's present and future parking needs; maintain a comprehensive inventory of the on-street parking supply; and recommend to Houston City Council all matters for the management, development and advancement of the city's parking needs or facilities.
See what I mean?
Speaking of mobility, the introduction of light rail in Houston has led to an incredible number of car-light rail accidents. See, among others, Houston Light Rail - Houston's Drivers Are Awful! and Dec. 24, 2005: 8 injured in MetroRail train-pickup collision.
Index Keywords: mobility
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