What shall be the future of 15th Street NW

Current conditions. DDOT photo.
Greater Greater Washington has a blog entry, "Support two-way 15th Street today," on tonight's public meeting-presentation on 15th Street, NW Reconfiguration: Alternatives and Analysis (Draft).
From the entry:
It's from 6-8 pm at the 15th Street Presbyterian Church, 15th and R. The format will be an "open house" style, where you can peruse the materials and leave comments but don't need to sit through a whole long meeting; there will be presentations at 6:15 and 7:15 about the options.

WABA, CSG and other organizations support Alternative 3, which is two northbound lanes, one southbound lane, and two bicycle lanes, replacing the current configuration of four northbound lanes and no bicycle lanes. Alternative 4 is also good, with one lane in each direction and a center turn lane, but that will probably create more traffic than alternative 3.
Labels: mobility, urban design/placemaking
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