Bicyclists getting tickets for running stop signs
I narrowly avoided this, around 8 am, on the way to today's Policy Greenhouse presentation (see "Ten ideas and many more in the Policy Greenhouse" in Greater Greater Washington), while riding on Columbia Road towards Connecticut Ave. Fortunately I am very aware of the broader environment when I ride, and seeing another bicyclist (her tires were narrower than mine, and she overtook me, fortunately!) get pulled over, I immediately figured out what happened, and made sure to stop at the sign...
That being said, I don't think bicyclists should be held to the same standards as cars--for reasons of physics and maintaining momentum, it's reasonable for bicyclists to be able to coast through signs and stop lights--BUT ONLY IF THERE IS NO ONCOMING TRAFFIC.
Today's case was one of those "there but for the grace of God..." situations.

Image from Downtown Express, New York City.
Labels: bicycling, policing, public safety
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