Rebuilding Place in the Urban Space

"A community’s physical form, rather than its land uses, is its most intrinsic and enduring characteristic." [Katz, EPA] This blog focuses on place and placemaking and all that makes it work--historic preservation, urban design, transportation, asset-based community development, arts & cultural development, commercial district revitalization, tourism & destination development, and quality of life advocacy--along with doses of civic engagement and good governance watchdogging.

Friday, June 28, 2024

New library/community space + 100% affordable housing mixed use building in New York City

The building uses brick and is kind of two buildings, with one set back.  There are 175 AH units, from studios to three bedrooms.

It's in NYC, so of course it's larger than the project in other cities ("Inwood development with public library and 100% affordable housing opens," 6sqft).

In "Opposition to affordable housing in Chevy Chase, DC," last year I wrote about a proposal to rebuild the Chevy Chase Community Center to include affordable housing.

The big example nationally is the Hollywood Library in Portland, Oregon.  It has a library and cafe on the ground floor and 40+ AH units on three floors above.  

This building shows that kind of mixed use is possible, and that the architecture can be reasonably decent.

As the blog entry points out, there have been many attempts to do something similar in DC, but mostly they fail.

In the comments, charlie points out this isn't so cheap and that the West End Library mixed use project--I think it has problems--worked because it is luxury housing.  

An anonymous commenter makes a great point that maybe the best thing this new building could do is to help reformulate the street experience on the East Side, which is pretty much disjoint compared to the West Side.

Both mixed use library projects in New York City prove the point that it's about "transformational projects action planning" ("A wrinkle in thinking about the Transformational Projects Action Planning approach: Great public buildings aren't just about design, but what they do," 2022)focused on the building program and quality architecture rather than a focus on startling "design," and the building not connecting to the community around it, managerial capacity and vision, for which DC had a shortage.  It's full of high quality amenities:

Measuring 20,000 square feet, the library retains its previously offered services, including literacy programs and story times. The library’s open and flexible floor plan makes space for computer classes, a community room, co-working spaces, and quiet reading spaces.

Amenities at The Eliza include bike storage lockers, a shared laundry room, a children’s playroom, a recreation room, a gym, rooftop gardens, an outdoor lounge and terrace with views of the Hudson River, and an on-site resident manager. 

All residences feature energy-efficient appliances. Residents will also have direct access to the renovated library facility and a 10,000-square-foot Activities, Culture, and Training Center (ACTS) for job training. The ACTS Center features a cutting-edge STEM Robotics learning hub, a teaching kitchen, a performance space, a sensory room, and classrooms designed to meet the needs of youth and their families.

The NYC building is the second of its kind.  The Sunset Library and Apartments rebuild was first ("NYC’s first 100% affordable housing development with new public library opens in Sunset Park" 6sqft).  

This project was done by the Brooklyn Public Library, which is a separate organization from the NYPL.

By doing the project as mixed use, BPL stated that the cost of creating the library was half the cost of a stand alone, single use library project.

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At 10:28 AM, Anonymous charlie said...

how are you doing? Sorry I've been quiet!

In terms of the fire house/24 and M just a quick clarification.

It was a parcel deal. Eastbanc got the library and former police site, was able to build luxury apartment and condo there as well as new library.

Fire staton was part of parcel, my understanding is they shifted the affordable housing all there. I don't think it's 100% affordable but they are not expensive -- but small.

the squash place was a public amenity, although it's run by Lanier's daughter.

At 1:16 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

Super good super bad. My Large t cell lymphoma is in remission. Haven't had treatments since January because of bad covid in January. In PT scan preparing for resumption that was the determination. (Actually I wasn't surprised. It responded immediately and keep shrinking.)

But the chf has reared back. They say it's expanded scar tissue (myocarditis was part of my February bout). So when I felt great in May it was a chimera.

Worse symptoms this time including oxygen saturation (when I sleep), plus cough, occasional vomiting. It's made me fearful about eating and sleeping. But I'm better than I was in February (except for oxygen).

Oh, everything tastes bad, even water. So that's an issue too. My weight is dropping again.

At 1:45 PM, Anonymous charlie said...

do they have you on anything for CHF?

At 3:13 PM, Blogger Richard Layman said...

So many f* drugs (some of the ones you see ads for, but I'm not dancing). . I also got a pacemaker for arythmia. Said I could be a candidate for a heart transplant if I remain cancer free since my LV extraction function is under 25%. Although it goes up and down and the doctor seems to think I should be responsive to the drugs. I was through May... well the 29th. It's really sucked since, except for the cancer news!


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