New vending approach for downtown Washington

Buried in Business section of today's Post is the article, "Extreme Street-Vending Makeover: Mobile Sellers in a Test Area Downtown Will Try Upgraded Carts." The article discusses plans for managing and "beautifying" vending in Downtown DC.
Vending in Downtown is tough. Store proprietors feel that vendors take away business. OTOH, vending carts-tables add, if not too junky looking, to the vitality and interest in the street, and they make it possible for entrepreneur to develop businesses by selling products, developing a customer base, and amassing capital--although it's difficult to then move into a storefront because the Downtown retail rents are so high. Vendors sell watches, make keys, and sell burritos, among other things.
OTOH, on Capitol Hill, both Alvear Studio and Chateau-Animaux started as tables at the Flea Market at Eastern Market.
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