More transit marketing
The Salt Lake City Deseret News ran an article, UTA WON'T CITE GAS TO BOOST RIDERSHIP, about how some transit systems are marketing their services by mentioning the high-cost of gasoline. According to the article, the Salt Lake City system isn't taking that tack, unlike Seattle's Sound Transit system. Tim Healy, the Marketing Manager of Sound Transit, was kind enough to send me copies of two of the ads; one is included below.
Something to think about is getting transit systems to look at ad development in a consortium-type manner. There is no reason that transit systems across the country can't develop great ads once, and repackage the ads for different markets. That's what the regional marketing cooperatives of fast food chains do.

There have been a number of articles the last few days in various newspapers around the country about the rise in transit ridership as a response to higher gasoline prices. Apparently there was a lag in perceptions in the media about the impact of higher gasoline prices.
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