Architecture Neon Sign, Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, Portland, Oregon

Architecture Neon Sign, Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, Portland, Oregon
Originally uploaded by rllayman.
I like the sign. It's another example of the creative "retail" sign environment in Portland.
I was over in this area to see a concert, the New Pornographers, Destroyer, and Immaculate Machine. I missed much of Immaculate Machine while I was exploring the area, and they were the band I liked the best.
Apparently, these bands will hit DC in the middle of October.
I walked back a few miles to where I was staying because transit closed up around midnite, and NP didn't finish til about 12:30.
A day or two later I described my walk to some retiree volunteers at the Visitor Center and they said "you walked over there."
Let's just say Portland doesn't have the same disorder quotient as DC, regardless of what Chris Rock says about the meaning of "MLK Avenues" in various cities.
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