I don't get to Virginia much
(although I am supposed to go on a blind date soon, likely in Clarendon).
BeyondDC (an amazing primarily photography website about urban issues, primarily about the Washington region, but not exclusively) informs me that identical streetpoles to those that I photographed in Portland Oregon adorn the streets of Arlington County, Virginia. (The Arlington County poles are taller but otherwise identical.)

While I do tend to sojourn into Maryland a lot more, I guess it tends to be either in Prince George's County or Baltimore. E.g., with the upcoming Project for Public Spaces conference on Public Markets at the end of the month, I really want to go on the second Baltimore trip, figuring that I'm less likely to see these markets as a matter of course. Plus Belvedere Square is interesting because it is a for-profit development that created a food market designed to revive a downward spiraling commercial project. Now, PG has a complementary bus system to Metrobus, called TheBus, but I haven't gotten around to photographing one of their buses.

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