Survey of bus on-time performance in Baltimore

From Dan Pontious, Regional Policy Director, (Baltimore) Citizens Planning and Housing Association:
Our survey of bus on-time performance is finally underway! It's the #1 concern of transit riders even according to the MTA, so we want to see how they are doing.
We are now surveying the #3, 8, 10, 11, 15, 19, 20, and 27 lines. We want to do the #23 line, too, but we need to get the new timepoint sheet from MTA (their internal bus schedule that says when each bus is supposed to be where) since the route was moved back onto Saratoga Street.
We have a very easy survey form that doesn't require any extra time if you ride one of the routes we are surveying as a matter of course. You just need the survey form and an accurate watch (or cell phone with the time set automatically). Then you just note the date, the bus block number, and the time when the bus passes certain points, and we do the rest!
We plan to do the survey through April or perhaps a little longer, and then release a report on the results in May or June. Let me know if you would like to help! Thanks.
Index Keywords: transit
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