Building or misbuilding the Metropolitan Branch Trail (DC)

In "Metropolitan Branch Fail," Washcycle, the area's leading pro-bicycling blog, expresses concern that he sees too many indications of taking shortcuts -- "satisficing" or cheapening -- in the development and construction of the (for bicycling and walking) Metropolitan Branch Trail segment between Union Station and Franklin Street NE in Washington, DC. From the entry:
The plan calls for waysides, green space, art gardens and performance space. It talks about place making. But I fear this project will become a 12 foot wide strip of asphalt surrounded by whatever developers decide will make the most money. I'm not anti-growth, but it's too bad that an opportunity to create a green space in the center of the city is being squandered for the growth machine
Because we have seen so many times where the District Government takes the easy, cheap, and ugly way, I can see why he should be concerned.

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