Adding cultural heritage dimensions and expanded service capabilities within commercial districts to DC Streetcar planning
This blog entry is reprinted from 1/27/2006. I bring it up again because it's relevant to transit planning now, on H Street NE. One of the "problems" with introducing street cars to DC is that there is a long lead time for the manufacturing of the vehicles. Given the demand, this can be as long as 5 years.
So even if the streetcar tracks will be put in the ground on H Street over the next two years as the streetscape is reconstructed as part of the execution of the H Street Transportation and Streetscape Study, it will be a long time before it is realized--if you wait for the new vehicles. But you don't have to wait.
There is no reason that similar to the McKinney Avenue system in Dallas, or even the Heritage Express Trolley in the small Great American Main Street Award-winning town of El Reno, Oklahoma, that heritage or heritage replica streetcars couldn't be put into service in the meantime, to provide service between H Street and Union Station, to provide service to the retail district and the entertainment venues.
Although, H Street NE is no longer my issue. Someone else can pursue this...

When streetcars for the city were first proposed (and I wasn't producing a blog) I wrote in a couple venues that the "cultural heritage" dimension needed to be developed in concert with the system for a couple reasons: (1) it would add value to the local history experience in Washington; and (2) it would encourage people to ride-sample the system and take back the experience to their hometowns (if they aren't from Europe) creating new advocates for transit across the county.
The Market Street Railway in San Francisco does this. The line features streetcars from around the world, dressed in the paint scheme and "branding" of the cars hometowns.

At the same time, commercial districts like H Street in Northeast Washington DC, could add historic streetcars (or replicas) to complement the service provided by the longer line, which in the case of H Street NE will start at the Minnesota Avenue Metro station, to provide for additional service and more stops within the commercial district (intra-commercial district service as opposed to the more inter-DC service of the longer line).
For example, the budding entertainment district at the east end of the H Street corridor might want to have additional service on weekends, and Thursday through Saturday nights. This will increase the likelihood of customers, add to the fun aspects of a night on the town, and would reduce significantly the stress on an already limited inventory of parking spaces.
An advantage of a replica is that it's less expensive to maintain. OTOH, it costs a lot more. See this paper for more info: Bring Back The Streetcars.

This could be accommodated by developing and planning now for a system that could have a spur, and storage capabilities for additional streetcars that aren't Skoda vehicles.
For such a service in the H Street area, it could run between Union Station and 15th Street NE via H Street. Like with the Portland Streetcar service, perhaps you could sponsors like Louis Dreyfus Company, the Hechinger Mall, and Gallaudet University, to help defray some of the costs. (E.g., maybe the cars could be stored at Gallaudet University or in the parking garage at Station Place.)

Note: some of the credit for this idea goes to Jane Lang, a proprietor of the Atlas Performing Arts Center, who talked about the need for more transit within the commercial district a couple years, and my relating this conversation to Lee Rogers, a local historian and national expert on trolleys generally as well as the streetcar systems that existed within the region. Lee mentioned the possibility of intra-operable cars. And then I saw it for myself in Portland.
Note: streetcars stopped running on H Street in February 1949. There are printed photographs but I don't have digital copies. I had two such photos at one time--sort of, Kevin Palmer actually has them somewhere--provided by Lee Rogers, one of the 8th and H Street NE intersection, a photo that the DC Office of Planning has used, and one, in color, of a streetcar in front of the 800 and 900 southside blocks. I am trying to dig up copies of these photos.

Index Keywords: transit; tourism; commercial-district-revitalization;
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