Superblocks and superbuildings, part 2
Sue H. commented on an earlier entry, "Quotes of the Day," but wasn't able to include images, so I am reprinting the comment with the images:
During the Upper Wisconsin Avenue Corridor study, community activists hired an architect to draw what could be built under the existing zoning and urged residents to compare what PUDs were being used to incentivize instead.
Here's the link to an article in the Washington City Paper, "Hired Pen: Don’t like the condos going up around the corner? Call Lex Ulibarri," with one of his illustrations:

and here's what Donohoe wanted to build at the same site

Click through for larger images.
It's worth rementioning the journal article by Jan Gehl (et al.) on urban design principles, "Close encounters with buildings." Fortunately this article is currently available for free viewing.
Index Keywords: urban-design-placemaking
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