Making bicycling irresistable
Bike Portland has a blog entry, Expert lays out road map to making cycling “irresistible”, featuring a presentation and paper by Rutgers Professor John Pucher. From the entry:
The paper, titled Making Cycling Irresistible: Lessons from the Netherlands, Denmark, and Germany (download PDF, 1MB), outlines the policies and practices those European cities have embraced that have allowed them to become places where going by bike is safe and convenient enough for everyone–not just the hearty and committed.
Also see the blog entry I Would Ride My Bike, But… from Bike Commuters
and the Biking Circle article roundup.
And if you want to buy a bike, but don't want to pay too much money (this is my point because DC roads, drivers, etc., tear bikes up, so I don't see the need to pay $1,000 for a bike), every year the tourist-oriented Bike the Sites rental operation buys new bikes and at the end of the year (now) they sell them. You can get good bikes for $160...

Labels: bicycling, transportation planning
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