Rebuilding Place in the Urban Space

"A community’s physical form, rather than its land uses, is its most intrinsic and enduring characteristic." [Katz, EPA] This blog focuses on place and placemaking and all that makes it work--historic preservation, urban design, transportation, asset-based community development, arts & cultural development, commercial district revitalization, tourism & destination development, and quality of life advocacy--along with doses of civic engagement and good governance watchdogging.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Gallaudet University responds to the misleading statements of Councilmember Harry Thomas about the Florida Market

Response to Statements Made to Community by Councilmember Harry Thomas

Statement by Harry Thomas in an email to Ward 5 stakeholders: The bill excludes properties owned by Gallaudet University and J Street Development along the Sixth Street corridor from the New Town footprint for several reasons.

Development plans for these properties are on a slower track than development plans for the rest of the site. Gallaudet has indicated that the University must complete an internal development review process that has already been underway for several months. The University also has acknowledged that its process will likely take many more months, with no definitive date as to when it will conclude.

EAJ/Gallaudet Response: The University indicated clearly last spring that we would have the conceptual elements of a plan in October of this year. To that end, we have been vigorously engaged in a planning process that has been openly shared with neighborhood residents and owners and merchants in the Market area. Our internal marketing analysis will be completed in a few weeks and the first phase of the land plan has been completed and will be shared with Council Members this week.

The University and EAJ are ready to proceed.

Statement by Harry Thomas in an email to Ward 5 stakeholders: Gallaudet and J Street do not offer an ownership interest to the Market's merchant tenants, whereas the New Town Plan does. In fact, in a September 26, 2008 letter to me, the University and J Street outline the importance of maintaining an equity stake for the Market's property owners, but don't mention the tenants at all. For me, providing equity participation to the tenants is a must.

EAJ/Gallaudet Response: Gallaudet does not disagree with Council Member Thomas’ views and welcomes further discussion. We have always believed that to maintain the character of the Florida Avenue Market, we must continuously involve other landowners and merchants in the vicinity. A coordinated effort between EAJ, Gallaudet, New Town and individual property owners is in the best interest of not only the property owners but residents and visitors.

For that reason, our plan has taken into consideration – from our initial foray into the Market – participation and input from tenants. We have been very involved and transparent with the Merchant’s Association via their president, Paul Pascal, and have had countless meetings – one-on-one and in groups – with various tenants and landowners and will continue to do this. We have also tried repeatedly to meet with New Town to discuss ways we could work together with no interest returned on their part.

EAJ/Gallaudet has been the team that has put its money on the table – we have fee simple ownership of over 25% of the Market properties east of Fourth Street. Together we own more land in the Market area than any other property owner. We have shown respect and consideration for the tenants and owners within the Market and have demonstrated total commitment to working as a team with a number of developers, owners, the City and Market tenants.

Statement by Harry Thomas in an email to Ward 5 stakeholders: Gallaudet and J Street have not fully embraced the public benefits that the Act requires, including affordable housing, recreational facilities, and a public library, among other things. These public benefits represent amenities that the community has indicated it wants at the site.

EAJ/Gallaudet Response: This team fully supports the valuable role affordable housing and public amenities play in a vibrant community and, in fact, as local residents and investors, have a vested interest in how those amenities would be integrated into any plan for the Market.

We believe the plan we are developing allows for these kinds of facilities be an important part of the market.

Statement by Harry Thomas in an email to Ward 5 stakeholders: Gallaudet and J Street have no plans to maintain the wholesale functions that make the Florida Avenue Market so unique and important the fabric of Ward 5.

EAJ/Gallaudet Response: This is inaccurate. The EAJ/Gallaudet team has every intention of maintaining the Farmers Market at Florida Avenue. As owners of this parcel, we have made this clear to tenants and in meetings with various stakeholders over the last 6 months. The Farmers Market is a unique, character-rich feature of Washington D.C. proper and, as such, would be treated as the exciting core of the project, making this a vibrant draw for neighbors and visitors.

EAJ/Gallaudet, along with Williams & Dame, is the ONLY team that brings world class experience and proven results in the development of vibrant public markets to this important community development.

We are excited to share our plans with the stakeholders and begin the process of urban revitalization of the Market.

This New Towns project is one of the dirtiest deals-processes I have witnessed since I have become heavily involved in DC civic affairs. And the way that the principals and their representatives misrepresent the truth is reprehensible. I'll be honest--when looking for a house to buy I didn't want to live in Ward 5 because of the quality of local political leadership there...

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