Parks #1: Chicago

The open space shortage is pervasive, with 32 of 77 community areas, home to half of Chicago’s 2.7 million people, failing to meet the city’s own modest requirement of two acres of open space for every 1,000 residents. And the stakes associated with relieving it are huge. Parks can help the city’s neighborhoods attract and retain residents, promote public health, boost real estate values and draw together people from different walks of life.
“Open space is not just an amenity. It is one of the most vital institutions in enhancing urban life,” said Sally Chappell, professor of art history at DePaul University.
Although Emanuel has thrown his support behind a grab bag of open space initiatives, such as boathouses on the Chicago River and a new park in an unused area of Rosehill Cemetery, he has yet to produce the visionary plan he promised in his transition report.
While I think that Kamin fails to take into account that fact that producing a visionary plan for parks and open space is a big undertaking that requires more than a mayor introducing a report written from on high, he makes good points, and offers an interim agenda:
2. Improve access to open space
3. Bring life to the boulevards -- this reminds me of parks planner David Barth's point that we should treat streets like linear parks, David Engwicht's point about creating "neighborhood loops", and trails as routes that not only serve walking and biking needs but are connective paths linking civic assets, neighborhoods, and commercial districts, such as the plan for the Bala Cynwyd Trail in Lower Merion Township outside of Philadelphia
4. Turn city streets into 'play streets' -- this is about programs like DC's "Feet in the Streets" and the original Ciclovia in Bogota
5. Turn rails into trails
6. Turn old industrial sites into new parks -- in a city like Chicago, this is a good way to use up otherwise "derelict" land (derelict defined as land previously used but no longer in productive use, with no such uses likely in the near and intermediate term)
7. Turn parking spaces into 'parklets' --
In the every-little-bit-helps department, San Francisco is turning parking spaces along its commercial streets into mini-parks called “parklets.” Twenty-five of the mini-parks have been built, including one near a turntable for the city’s cable cars. San Franciscans have taken to the parklets quickly, using them for dining, schmoozing and reading their laptops.
There has been some grousing about the loss of parking spaces and tie-ins to adjoining cafes, but not enough to kill the program. In fact, city officials are reviewing plans for an additional 30 parklets.
Here’s how a parklet works: Two parking spots are closed and a platform is built over them, extending the sidewalk’s level beyond the curb. The platform is outfitted with benches, planters, landscaping, bicycle parking, tables and chairs. The builder — typically, a business, nonprofit group or local improvement district — bears the cost, up to $20,000 per parklet. The installations are permanent and open to the public.
8. Use urban agriculture to plant seeds of revival
9. Use parks to create commercial hubs. From the piece:
Parks often inspire a certain wariness over the people they attract. In the city, people fret about gangs, drug-dealing and violence — and what such things do to property values.
Carlos Nelson, executive director of the Greater Auburn Gresham Development Corp., cites those fears when a visitor asks whether the vacant lots lining the area’s commercial streets should become parks. He sees another role for parks: As a way to create thriving business hubs — urban planners call them “nodes” — amid the often-chaotic conditions of the inner city.
10. Make new plans for new realities. Kamin writes:
So much has changed since the publication of Chicago’s last open space plan 13 years ago that park advocates are calling for a new plan, one that is tailored to the different needs of different neighborhoods and unites the disparate efforts of various city agencies behind a single vision.
True, the Chicago Public Schools, the Chicago Park District and the Public Building Commission have cooperated to turn more than 270 acres of pavement around city schools into playgrounds. But with so many arms of city government now working on open-space issues — parks, transportation, housing and economic development, health, the schools, the building commission and others — advocates say it is essential to set shared goals, lest the city squander the limited funds it has available.
Labels: parks and open space, parks planning, urban design/placemaking
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