Bike commuting infographic
Notions Capital calls our attention to this cool infographic on bike commuting. Plus, Ralph Buehler's students at Virginia Tech have produced their class project, Capital Bikeshare Study: A Closer Look at Casual Users and Operations,a study on the behavior of "casual users" (people who don't have annual subscriptions) of Capital Bikeshare. The League of American Bicyclists has written about it here, "See-Rent-Ride: Bikeshare changes the way people see the city."

Speaking of Professor Buehler, you might also be interested in this paper, "“Determinants of Mode Choice: A Comparison of Germany and the USA,” Transport Geography, Vol. 19, pp. 644-657. From the abstract:
Germany and the USA have among the highest motorization rates in the world. Yet Germans make a fourtimes higher share of trips by foot, bike, and public transport and drive for a 25% lower share of trips asAmericans. Using two comparable national travel surveys this paper empirically investigates determinantsof transport mode choice in Germany and the USA.
Labels: bicycle sharing, bicycling, transportation planning
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